Chapter 1: Seeking out a Crow

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On her quest to find all of the sins Princess Elizabeth with the help of Captain Melodies, The Serpent Sin Diane, and Captain of the order of Scraps Hawk find themselves lost in the dark forest near the village of Riverwood.

Hawk: Why won't you justed admit we're lost?!

Melodies: Because we're not I know exactly where we're going.

Diane: Captain are you sure? This forest is kinda spooky.

Elizabeth: Sir Melodies which sin are we supposed to find here?

Melodies: We're looking for The Crow Sin of Deceit.

Diane: Oh we're looking for Marcus no wonder we're in such a spooky place.

Elizabeth: So what's Sir Marcus like I'm very curious.

Hawk: Me too.

Melodies: Well lets see. He was always......

Diane: Captain?

Elizabeth: Sir Melodies?

Melodies stopped and looked around before drawing his sword.

Hawk: What's wrong come on say something.

Melodies stood in front of Elizabeth and swings his sword the others watch confused until mid swing Melodies's sword comes in contact with another.

Melodies: Sneaky.

Melodies and the dark figure traded blows each of them being blocked or parrying by the other neither man able to land a blow.

Diane: Wow this guy's going toe to toe with the captain it's unbelievable.

Elizabeth: Could he be a Holy Knight?

Hawk: He's got to be no ordinary person that good.

Still trading blows Melodies and the stranger separated and charged at each other swinging their swords once more. The stranger then held up his sword and as drop of Melodies's blood dripped of and cut appeared on Melodies's Face.

???: It seems I won Captain.

Hawk,Diane,Elizabeth: Captain!?!

Melodies: Not so fast Marcus.

Melodies held out his sword and a drop of Marcus's blood dripped off and a cut appeared on his face. Both men then laughed before sheathing their swords.

???: It's seem to be a tie once again.

Hawk: Wait Marcus as in this crow guy we're looking for?

???: A talking pig? How strange.

Hawk: Why is that the first thing everyone says!?!

Diane then scooped Marcus up into a tight hug cuddling him.

Diane: Oh Marcus I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you. Please forgive me.

???: It's alright Diane your forgive but please but me down I'm running out of air.

Diane quickly puts Marcus on the ground as he looks over at Elizabeth.

???: Oh forgive me where are my manners. My name is Marcus Nevermore The Crow Sin of Deceit.

Elizabeth: It's an honor to meet you Sir Marcus I'm princess Elizabeth.

Marcus: A Princess? Captain why are you traveling with a princess and why are you here?

Melodies: That's the thing Marcus we travel to get all the sins back together.

Marcus(sigh) Captain you do realize we're all wanted criminals? Us being being in one place makes it easier for the Holy Knights to find us,but I assume you have a good reason for this.

Before Melodies could say anything Elizabeth spoke up.

Elizabeth: Please Sir Marcus we need your help my father and the whole kingdom is in danger.

Marcus: I'm sorry but I'm afraid I can't help you.

Hawk: What your supposed to protect people why won't you help us?

Marcus: If you want your answer follow me.

Marcus lead them to a cliff over looking the village. Looking down they could see townspeople being harassed by the guards and gold being take into a large manor.

Marcus: Riverwood was a once a wealthy town having supplied many nearby village with its lumber.

Diane: So what happened?

Marcus: A Holy Knight by the name of Mercer came on started charging the people out landis taxes. Now the people are poor and barely have enough money to buy the things they need.

Melodies: So that's why you said no you can't leave this town.

Marcus: That's correct if I leave now to help you this village and its people will most likely perish.

Elizabeth: It's horrible what these going through but what can we do?

Marcus: Well I was planning a siege on his manor but as skilled as I am I'll be out numbered. 

Melodies: So we'll help you.

Diane: Yeah three sins should be more than enough.

Hawk(proudly) And you the captain of the order of Scraps on your side.

Marcus: Well thank you for help and in return after we save this village I'll gladly join you.

Elizabeth: Oh thank you Sir Marcus.

Melodies: Now guys lets save this village.

Marcus,Diane,Hawk,Elizabeth: Yeah!!

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