Chapter 2: Saving Riverwood

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Having found the Crow Sin of Deceit try to get his aid,but when Marcus says that he can't leave until the Holy Knight Terrorising the town of Riverwood is delt with. Melodies and the other agree to help him in exchange for his help. Marcus happily agrees. So the sins rush to make a plan to save Riverwood.

Marcus walks to the center of with a small bag over his shoulder. And walk over to a wanted poster of him self where a guard is right next to. And then a guard Sees him and draws his sword.

Guard: Marcus Nevermore you are under arrest don't resist or there will be consequences.

The guard takes Marcus to the manor in handcuffs where he is brought before the Holy Knight Mercer.

Guard: Sir we found one of the eight deadly sins Marcus Nevermore in town.

Mercer: The Crow Sin of Deceit here then you must be the theif who's been stealing from me.

Mercer walk up to Marcus and pulls back his collar to reveal his mark of the Crimson Crow.

Marcus: You having been stealing for the people of this village I've been mearly returning what was take for them.

Mercer smacks Marcus across the face.

Mercer: How dare you talk to me like that I'm a apprentice to a holy Knight and you justed a low life criminal.

Marcus: Your a theif who has been stealing from people good people.

Mercer: And your a Criminal who help seven other criminals killed the Holy Knight Grandmaster. So tell me how are we any different than each other.

Marcus: Because I'm here to save these people.

Meanwhile in town the others have been fighting the bandits and corrupted guards.

Diane: Marcus wasn't kidding there are a lot of them.

Melodies: Well we justed have to hold them off so Marcus can deal with their boss.

Elizabeth: Are you sure he doesn't need?

Melodies: Marcus is one best swordsmen I have ever meet and his magic is also strong. So I'm sure he can handle it.

Diane: Yeah you saw how he went toe to toe with the captain I'm sure he'll be fine.

Back at the manor.

Guard: Sir Sir there are more sins in the village there attacking all the soliders we may not be able to be them.

Hearing this Marcus Starts to smile to himself.

Mercer: What!?!?!

He turns to Marcus.

Mercer: You you planned this. You bastard.

Mercer draws his sword about to attack Marcus but moves his cuff into the way of the swing breaking the iron chain. Marcus then summons a shadow onto the floor and pulls his sword out of it.

Mercer(frustrated) Who are you to think you can best me your nothing.

Marcus draws his sword.

Marcus: I am The Crow Sin of Deceit and you will pay for your crimes against these people.

The two men trade blow with one another Marcus only being able to slightly cut Mercer,but the Marcus Starts to notice that his movements are slower than the should be he the kicks Mercer in the chest to create some distance between them.

Mercer: Feeling heavy? Don't worry there's nothing worry with you,you see my magic is gravity I simply made your body heavier and mine lighter making me faster.

Marcus: Of course you would have a handicap.

Mercer than charges at Marcus locking there swords in a stand still.

Mercer: I prefer to call it a strategic advantage.

They men return to trading blow. But then Marcus's starts have a dark aura around it. Mercer looks at this and start to worry so he increases the gravity around Malcolm and the two men separate but Marcus seem unfazed by the effect of the gravity. The air starts to turn cold and a fearful presence is felt all around the room causing the Holy Knight to have a cold sweat and the staredown of Marcus's cold expression only makes it worst.

Mercer: How is this possible? The almost of gravity should render you unable to move.

Marcus readies his sword to attack.

Marcus: It's simple I'm justed that much stronger than you. SHADOW STRIKE!!!

Marcus swings his sword a line of dark energy heads to hit Mercer but Mercer is paralyzed by the fear that Marcus as swepted into the room.

Mercer: I'll get you for this I swear it!

The blast hits Mercer and renders him unconscious. Marcus then races back to the village to see that Melodies and the others have won their battle as well. And then be he saw that the townspeople had starts to come back so he climbed a rooftop and addressed the people.

Marcus: Attention people of Riverwood. The Bandits and Knights that have been defeated you can go and reclaim your stolen items. And you can now live your lives free and happy again.

The townspeople cheers louder than they have ever cheered before and happily ran to the manor to reclaim the things stole from them.

Elizabeth: They looked so happy.

Diane: Of course they did they have there home back again.

Melodies: Yep and it's all thanks to you Marcus.

Marcus: I'm flattered captain but I can't take all the credit you guys did a lot to help to.

Diane: That my be true but you were helping these people long before we arrived.

Elizabeth: She's right your a good person Sir Marcus.

Marcus: Thank you Princess and know it's my turn to hold up my end of our deal. Captain I would like to join you in your fight.

Melodies: Of course Marcus your a sin after all we'll be happy to have you.

Elizabeth: Really you mean it?

Marcus: Of course i know the cost of lies therefore I made a vow never to tell them. So consider the Crow Sin your friends in your fight. But you did say you wanted all of us isn't that right.

Diane: Yeah do you happen to know where the others are?

Marcus: Well I heard Ban was in prison and King was dead, but as for the others I lose connect with Lady Merlin a few years ago. I heard a rumor about Gowther though.

Melodies: Really what was it?

Marcus: It was said the a purple armored monster was roaming around some forest close to the town where they hold the fighting festival.

Melodies: Did you check it out?

Marcus: Unfortunately no that info came from the town's drunk so I toke it as false.

Diane: That's to bad justed when we thought we found another sin.

Melodies: Well we know where one is so let's go get him.

Marcus: So you mean?

Melodies: Yep. We're going to get the Fox Sin of Greed Undead Ban.

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