Werewolf Spells.

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First put wolf/dog hair in the water and boil the water. Then say:
Wolf, wolf I wish to be. Please hear my plea. I need to be one.

Then add your hair and pour the water in to a bottle. As long as there is water in the bottle you will be a Werewolf.


Oh please spirit warriors I (your name) will ask you to join you on your quest as I am willing to become a big wolf or a ancient spirit warrior that can transform in to a big wolf with the fur color of my choice (fur color) and also my eye color (eye color). So please accept my request and make this me. So mote it be.


Take the picture (it will be the wolf u will look like) Hold it and say
Make me a we're wolf.

Then burn the picture.


First go outside on a full moon and light the red candels while saying
By the light of the moon and our piercing howels,we are furthe transformed into cunning beasts from the eveloution of man to the land of beasts i shall be reawakend as one with the land.


Say this 10 x on a full moon and you need to

See the whole moon, nothing covering it.
By the light of the moon and our piercing howls we are further transformed into cunning beast. From the circle of life,to the evolution of man, I shall be reawakened as one with the land.

Next full moon you will transform.


Will become a werewolf off of teen wolf.
In human and wolf form I will be 200x stronger than an elephant, 100x faster than a cheetah, can go in temperatures of -40 degrees Celsius and up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, can hear up to 10 miles away, smell up to 2 miles, enhanced sight up to 1 mile away and live for ever. In wolf form I will have red eyes and black fur with white teeth and 1-inch long, razer sharp cainines my teeth and my skin will be unbreakable. The shift from man to wolf and back will be painless and fast. Wolfbain will be my only weekness nothing else. I will be able to turn to a wolf and back anytime I want and I will be able to control my self in wolf form. In humen and wolf form
(male: i will be 6 feet tall and weigh 250 pounds with a 8 pack)
(female: i will be feet and 7 inches tall and weigh 200 pounds with a perfect body)
this is my will so mote it be.


Step 1.Go outside at night time. It must be clear and the moon MUST be visible. Nothing can cover it. It does NOT have to be a full moon but if it is, it's more powerful. Overall, any moonphase will work. You might want to be alone.(NOTE: DO NOT SAY THIS UNDER A NEW MOON)

Step 2. Get your candle and set it into the bowl or the candle holder. Light it up and sit in front of the candle. Focus on it's light. If you don't have a candle, it's fine. Begin to Meditate.

Step 3. After you are relaxed, stand up and chant this spell 3 times:
"In the ocean sea,
On the ocean Buyan,
In the open plain,
Shines the moon upon an aspen stump,
Into the green wood,
Into the spreading vale.
Around the stump goes a shaggy wolf;
Under it's teeth are all the horned cattle;
But into the wood the wolf goes not,
Into the vale the wolf does not roam.
Moon, Moon! Golden Horns!
Melt the bullet, blunt the knife, not the crudgel,
Strike fear into man, beast and reptile,
So that they may not seize the grey wolf,
Nor tear from him his warm hide.

After you have said it 3 times, say
"This is my will and by the power of 3, MOTE IT BE!".

Say this ONCE AFTER YOU FINISH SAYING THE CHANT 3. You should shift when you SEE the full moon.

The side effects may or may not include:

- Headaches

- Ribaches

- Stomachaches

- Tailbone aches

- Spinees

- Nausea

- Uncontrollable Anger, Barking, Growling and howling.

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