Neko spells

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Get a piece of paper. Draw yourself but so you can fit your tail and ears on you.Draw your tail and ears of any kind (example: wolf, fox, cat, etc.).Color the tail and ears. Fold the paper any way once.Write down it's info (kind of tail and ears, what kind of creature it came from, what kind of powers you want, etec). Fold it again anyway you want. Wright and say at the same time: Ears and tail, come to me, let me have a tail and ears, I wish for a tail and ears on the physical plane, so mote it be.

Now fold it again anyway you want. Draw a pentagram on it. Fold it again anyway you want once again. Now every night for three nights, chant this:

1x: god/goddess' grant me my dream ears and tail on this plane from pain and growth.

10x Ears and tail, come to me, let me have a tail and ears, I wish for ears and a tail on the physical plane, so mote it be.

Then kiss the paper and place it under your pillow or place it within pillow covers.


Meditate, then say the following spell:
Gods and Goddeses of cats, Grant my wish to be; To be a Neko Cat. Make my ears (chosen color) And my tail (chosen color). Make it so I can hide my ears and also my tail, away from humans.

After you say the spell, drink the milk while imagining your Neko self.


Say the spell 3 times total 3-6 times each whole time (keep it the same number every time). Do this until the spell is completely finished processing and BELIEVE.?
Make me a neko to frolic and play.
(Color) (Animal) ears?A (Color) (Animal) tail.
And a retractable set of claws and fangs.
By the power of 3.
Make me what i wish to be.
A neko
Ears of (Length).
Tail of (Length) and (Thickness).
And claws of (Length) and fangs like daggers of (Length).
By the power of 3.
So mote it be.

Side effects:

Vomiting (throwing up).

Pain where you will grow the tail/ear.

Craving for milk/fish.

Wanting to sleep.


Lower-back pains.

Top-of-head pains.

Wanting to play with balloons/feathers/string type objects.

Being able to bond well with cats and the other way around.

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