Dragon spells

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Think of what you want to look like as a dragon.

Then, light your candle and say:
"Dragons in soul,
Dragons that exist,
My heart and self are whole,
My form shall twist
From human to dragon
Dragon to human,
All by the will of my mind.
No less than 6 ft tall,
A dragon of all.
Wingspan no less than triple my length,
Muscles of strength,
Spiked tail and elements one,
Let me live among the clouds.
So must it be, for this is my will!"



Go outside when the sun is down or setting. Say this spell three times. It works better if you sing it:
"Give me scales, wings and a tail. Show me my power, it's time to unveil.
Crushing maw and strength so grand, I shall fly above the land.
Breath of shadow, ice, or flame, let the moon call out my name." After the third time, say (or sing): "Please, please, by the power of three, this is my wish, so Mote It Be."

It may take time, so expect to wait a while.


First take your paper and say this as you write:
I wish to be in the night as a dragon, with black scales, dark as the sky, turn me into one, to fly in the night! So mote it be!.

After that fold it three times and using black crayon color it black. Put it next to a window or in a safe place outside.

This one is to get a pet dragon


Read the following before you get started. Draw what your dragon will look like. Color your dragon according to it's element or just color your dragon then find out its element by its color. Draw you next to your dragon. The dragon will be that much taller/ smaller than you. Wright down your height next to you. Make lines to the top of your body according to your height. (example: five feet. Draw five equal lines.) Now continue to make your dragon's height. The top of the dragon's shoulders are its height. Underline the heights of you and your dragon.

Fold paper hamburger style. Fold it only once. Now write the dragon's info with a pencil on either side. (Name, Scale color, wings, tail, Accessories, strength, behavior, abilities, element, dragon breed, eyes, what it eats, etc.)

Fold paper hamburger style again so you can't see the words.Now write this and say it as you write it allowed:
(its element) dragon of mine, come to me, by egg of (its element again). I summon the newborn mythical creature. So mote it be. ("So mote it be" should be written as big as you can). Now fold it hamburger style so you can't see the words. Make a pentagram on one side.

Fold it once more. Now every night for three nights, before you sleep, chant:
God/ Goddesses, grant my dream dragon in the real world from egg to end. Then, chant: (its element) dragon of mine, come to me, by egg of (its element again). I summon the newborn mythical creature. So mote it be.

Kiss the paper after you chanted and put it under your pillow.  As you fall asleep, dream of you and your dragon coming together.

Type of eggs:

Water= sitting in the pool (if you have one)/blue egg.

Earth=rock egg.

Fire= flaming egg/ red egg.

Air/Wind= maybe invisible and strong wind comes/ white egg.

Snow= comes in winter time/white-blue coloring.

Metal= metal egg.

Silver= silver egg.

Copper= copper egg.

Nature= colorful (I'm not sure).

Shadow/dark= black egg.

Ghost= phasing egg.

Lightning= sparks of lightning strike.

Side effects:

Dreaming: you can get dreams of your dragon. (happens as you chant the three nights.)


Listening: you can have a conversation to something that talks to you. (even when no one is around. This will take effect about three weeks after chanting the three days.)

Feeling (this should happen when you have already chanted once. The next day, the main element of your dragon will show if you were successful.)

-earth: ground feels like it's shaking

-fire: outside heats up

-air: wind speed picks up.

-water: rain falls (I think)

Following: you follow a ghost like dragon somewhere. (This should take effect after about 1 to 2 months after you finished chanting the three days.)

Note: Side effects may vary depending on when your dragon hatches.


Side effects include:




Loss of thought

Being more draconic

Loosing your mind

Wanting to fly/obsession with the sky

Transformations at night or with extreme emotion [rare]

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