Everything I'm Not (The Veronicas)

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Annabeth tried not to be bitter. She really did. Except all of those bubbly feelings she had whenever Percy was around converted into something red hot and dangerously explosive and melodramatic. And she knew she was being unfair because despite the reasons Annabeth detested her, Rachel was awesome. Her timing not so.

"Annabeth's just making us breakfast, you will stay?" Percy implored Rachel and Annabeth could literally picture the puppy dog eyes he would pull, pupils dilated, eyes wide and his bottom lip jutted out. She would have found it cute save for the fact that he had just invited someone else to their table when she hadn't even cooked for herself and she hadn't been planning on doing so either.

"I suppose," Rachel spoke, she then turned to Annabeth, "if it's not a bother. Do you  need a hand?" She addressed Annabeth.

Careful to hide her flaring nostrils Annabeth smiled sweetly, "Thank you but I'm fine." She nodded curtly turning back to her pancakes which were close to burning. She rushesly flipped them and they settled in that awkward spot that was the side of the pan.

She closed her eyes when she heard what came next, glad she had turned around and was holding the kitchen bench in a vice like grip. She could hear the melodic sound of lip on lip, breaths as they slowly turned heavy and the squeak of a chair as it was pushed against the hardwood floor. Now her nostrils really flared.

She pushed the final blue tinged pancake onto the stack she had been slowly building to resemble the Empire State Building, it was the smallest so far and she stuck it down with a toothpick in the centre. She moved to dump it on the dining table and rush upstairs to change.

The couple wouldn't have even noticed if it wasn't for Percy's keen sense of smell which caused him to push away from Rachel's embrace and offer her a seat.

Annabeth rummaged through her purse pockets and furled her fingers around the cardboard she was seeking. She hurridly typed the nine digits into her phone accompanied by the following :

Hi, its Annabeth, I'd like to take you up on your offer, meet me outside Starbucks across from work at 10.

Which she rapidly sent before pulling on a faded pair of jeans and an orange T-shirt leaving her face free of makeup and pulling her hair into a simple ponytail. She nearly got out the door without either Percy nor Rachel catching her.


"Where you going, Wise Girl?" At the nickname Rachel scowled as if Percy hadn't given her one yet.

"I've got a date, I'll see you later. You two be safe." She, again, almost made it to the door.

Percy put his fork down, his eyes wide. He finished chewing before he spoke next, choosing his words carefully. "Do I know him?" Annabeth shook her head dismissively. "Is he married?" Annabeth didn't even bother this time, she just gave him an exasperated look. He laughed. Rachel looked uncomfortable. "You look good."

Annabeth walked out, leaving the couple to their own devices, wondering what he meant.

Percy had always complimented her looks, but with Rachel sitting right there? It just didn't seem right. But if he had always thought she 'looked good,' why was he dating Rachel? Because she's not a nerd. She's gorgeous not just 'good.' Face it, she's everything I'm not. She negatively assured herself.

Annabeth shook her head free of thoughts as she stepped out of the taxi and caught sight of the familiar silhouette. "Luke!"

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