A Good Cry and Learning

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Chapter 6

Once I aproach Jeff something hits me in the side of my head and I black out. Only to hear Slenderman and Jeff yelling.


I awaken to the fresh smell of blood and the sound of rain. I lay on a bed in a dark room. The only visible light comes from under what apears to be the door. I sigh and sit up. My head is pounding and I can't seem to form complete thoughts. The light shifts when a shadow apears below the door.

"You really think this is a good idea? I really don't think she will listen to me," I hear a unknown voice from behind the door.

"You'll be fine. She is easy to handle. And I mean only you can heal that nasty head wound she has," another voice says. I classify it as Jeff's voice and then run my fingers over my head. There is no wound just a sticky spot on the side of my head with what I assume to be my own blood. I sigh and shift my body so that my legs dangle off the bed. I close my eyes and force myself into my true form. My tentacles free from my back and roaming the area around me. This is a boys room, that was easy to tell. There was boxers on the floor and many oversized sweaters. A boys room indeed.

The door opens and in walks a man. I can't tell who it is due to the lack of light. He is tall, slender, and wearing black. I squint my eyes and anger soon washes over me. SlenderMan. It was him. It was my father. I growl and my tentacles still. Even if I can't completely see him, I can't stand the sight of him. He steps forward and my tentacles twitch ready to lash out at him. "Don't you fucking dare come any closer!" I spit out at him in disgust.

"Calm down. I'm not here to hurt you. Let me see your head,"he says and turns on the light. I cover my eyes to the sudden brightness. But then uncover them. Once I see my father I seem to calm down a little. Something seems different about him. He seems upset maybe?

"There isn't anything there. Just blood and a headache," I say and turn my head so he can see. He releases two of his tentacles and they slowly come closer to me. I tense up a bit and stay on gaurd. Once they bush hair away and he checks my head they dissapear. I sigh and relax a bit. I look back at him and he seems tense.

"You're fine I guess. You truely are my daughter. You healed faster then I would have thought," he says. I look away quickly before hugging one of my tentacles. Its slick and warm and calms me quickly.

"I am not your daughter. My mother and father had died when I was a child. Mother was killed in cold blood. And father, he dissapeared, never existed," I explain coldly, "The similar traits we share are by accident. They are caused by past experiences. And I wish to never, ever call anyone my father." I sigh and begin to feel as if I was a bit harsh. I mean he did come in here to see if I was ok.

"I understand, and I do appologize. You mother was a gentle woman. I was an angry man. We were young. I never really thought that I would go as far as kill my wife. Or even hurt my daughter. I was just mad. She was taking you from me. I only held you once. I wanted to raise you. I wanted to teach you magic. But your mother, she knew the powers you would posses. She didn't want the same life for you as I did. I would try to turn back time if it was ever possible. I am sorry Ema. If you wish for me to leave you alone I will have Ticci Toby tend to your needs," he says in a quiet and noticably sad tone. My eyes begin to water and I feel bad.

"I don't want to see any of your proxies. I might just kill them, speaking of proxies, how is Tim? Did I hurt him badly?" I ask and Slenderman steps closer.

"He is bandaged up, he wouldn't stop bleeding. Last night after you passed out Jeff carried you to my home. This is a safehouse for killers and stalkers. You are in his room actually," he explains and sits beside me at the far end of the bed. I retract my tentacles and look up at the faceless man beside me.

"So how did I pass out?" I ask and touch my bloody hair again.

"Hoodie, one of my proxies, he threw a rock at you pretty hard. I had yelled at him for it and he will now be forced to spend a week with my brother, TrenderMan. I mean I believe that is punishment," Slenderman says as one of his tentacles is released and pats my shoulder. I sigh and pat it. It was almost exactly like my own but dull.

For a good few hours we held a conversation before a boy/man enters the room. He was not that tall but not short either. He wore a hoodie with stripped sleeves. He had dull grey skin and wore a face mask that only covered from his nose down. He wore goggles to cover his eyes and his hair was messy. He carried a hatchet in one hand and in the other he held a letter.

"Sir this j-just came in for....E-E...your daughter sir..." the teen stuttered and twitched. I sighed once he said daughter and stood walking over to him.

"I'm guessing your Ticci Toby? I must tell you and for you to tell anyone else. At this moment I am not his daughter. I am a simple proxy. My goal is to learn. Until the day I accept him as my father. Now give me the letter please," I say in a strict dark tone. He twitches and nods before handing the letter to me. I sigh and open it quickly before I gasp and fall to my knees. Its another letter from mom.

"Ema. What is it?!" SlenderMan says in shock as he races over to me. My eyes water and I force back the tears.

'Dear Ema,

Life won't be easy, and I know you are hurting now, but you are finally home. Your father will try to fix what happened, I know he will. I haven't been completely truethful with you. You dad wasn't what I was truely running from. It was the life you would have. The day you were born I knew know powerful you were and how powerful you would be. I didn't want (HIM) a man we shall never name, to get to you. I didn't want you hurt. Your father is a good man. And I trust you will accept him soon enough. I know you can't trust him now, but your an adult now and you need to allow him to help. I am not there because I had to save you. I had to die. My powers are with you now. They are there to protect you. Please take care. And trust me, you father loves you with all his heart.

You will be safe in your home. You will be able to learn and love. I may never meet your lucky man, but I trust he will be good to you. I know he may not be the perfect man, or the one you dreamed of your whole life. But that kiss ment something. It was only kiss that could wake you from the spell. He is your one and only and you should cherish that. A true love is hard to find. You shall receive a couple more letters in the future. They will guide you and assist you. When the time comes my dear. I love you and had loved you till my last breath.

To SlenderMan: My dear, sweet husband if you are reading this, I know you will over out daughters shoulder, you must know that I love you. You didn't mean to kill me I know, but I had to save our daughter. Please protect her, teach her, and care for her. She is all you have of me now. So please do your best, and hug her for me...don't forgert, forever and ever honey. I love you.

I love you both,


I can't hold back the tears anymore. I cry. I can hear Slendeeman behind me sigh and I glance back. "Mom...I...she..." I couldmt form words. There were no words. My heart may in my throat and I dropped the letter. SlenderMan hugs me and I hug back tightly crying into his chest. I couldn't stop the tears. I couldn't let go!

"Calm down my dear, it will all be ok. Your mother is right and it was to save you. Please forgive me, and please stay here at home," he says sadly and pets my hair. I nod slowly and glance up at him.

"I am staying here because of mom and Jeff. My trust and forgiveness can't me given just yet. But we will fix that, for mom," I say with a small smile.


A/N: I know it has been a while but my tablet deleted all of the work I did and I had to rewrite.

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