Room and Stories

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Chapter 7

I rest alone in my room. A room created for me by my mother. It was a large room. The bed was queen size, it had drapes like a princesses bed that were a blood red. The bedding was white with black splats and rose pattern. The bed was in the far corner of the room. Beside the bed was a desk. It had many books that contain spells and a lamp. On the opposite wall was a table. On it was many candles and carvings. On the wall above it was a picture of my mother. SlenderMan explained that this was the spell table. Whiches usually keep one to craft their most powerful spells. The door to the room is on the same wall. On another wall was a door that led to the bathroom, with toilet and shower. Beside the bathroom door was my closet. It was a large walk in closet that had all of my mothers clothes. It was a bit depressing. Lastly my room had no windows but a large chandelier hanging from the center of the ceiling. The room all together was quite lovely.

I get dressed in a shirt without a back. Mom must have modified a lot of the clothes for me. Then add a pair of jeans. I head off to the bathroom and brush my hair putting it up in a ponytail the bangs covering one of my eyes.

A knock is heard on my door and I head over to open it. There before me stands a man in what I notice as a blue mask. It only has deep sockets with a black fluid oozing out. His attire is all black as well. This must be the man who was going to get me to dinner. Eyeless Jack if I remember.

"Miss Ema, it is dinner time. I was instructed to escort you down," he says in a low voice. I sigh and nod.

"Just all me Ema. And yeah let's go I'm starving," I say and che nods back. I exit my room closing the door and we head down to the kitchen/dinning room. Once inside a thick smell of blood hits me. I see the buffet of food and begin to second guess my choice on moving here. There before me was an abundance of meat. But not just any meat, they were organs. I could classify all of them. Kidneys, livers, stomachs, hearts... All were cooked and up for grabs. I look at Eyeless Jack who already has a plate and is putting kidneys on it. "Um, is there any regular food? I don't think I can eat any of this," I say and grab a plate.

"Ema try a heart or maybe a good kidney. There is human food over at the end but you gotta try this too," I hear a voice say behind me. There stands Jeff, his sweater covered in blood. He heads to the plates and I sigh.

"Fine, but just this once," I say and swallow the knot in my throat. I get a heart on my plate and a kidney. I then quickly make my way to the human food. I get some mashed potatos and a pile of vegitables. I then look back at Jeff who has a plate full of organs. My stomach is flipping and knotting itself. He leads me to a table and I look around. Killers, monsters, and other things I can't place sit and eat, keeping conversations. I sigh and look back at my food.

"So Ema, how do you like this place?" Jeff asks as I begin cutting up the heart.

"I like it a lot, my room is nice and well I am getting a lot of reading done. For my first day here I have to admit its like I have been here forever," I say with a sigh and take a bite of the heart. At first I want to throw up. Its texture is kinda chewy and well you can taste the life on your tongue. It isn't that bad but I don't know if I can get use to eating this.

"Sorry about not visiting you earlier. I was out killing and got a bit carried away," Jeff mumbles through a mouthfull of food. I smile and glance at

"Its alright. It has been a while since you have been out so I understand," I say and my tentacles tug at my back. I sigh and release them. They twist and curl freely. I smile and continue eating in sweet silence with Jeff. But that silence soon ended once I detected a familiar presence. One of mytentacles lash out and grip the mans leg behind me. Then it pulls hard causing the man to fall to the ground with a thud.

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