Part 6: The Consultation

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You're still here? Well, you definitely are invested in this story, but where does that leave them? You've seen Tracey and John interact, and they seemed to complete each other. At least when it comes to sex, you know? Yin and Yang, Bender and Claire, Fire and Ice, right? Well, You've seen the fiery personality of Tracey, now get ready for the cold edge of John.

Oh boy, John's job. When it came to John's job, you really have to ask an optimist and a pessimist what their takes on the place were. If you didn't, you wouldn't be able to get an honest opinion of what it was like.

If you asked an optimist, they would take a look around, and realize that this is a unique place. Not just in the way that "every place is a unique place," either. If you want that to be the case, go hug a tree. No, what I mean is that an optimist would take a look at the place and realize that it employs people with a lot of potential. They may not love their jobs, but they have dreams, aspirations, who they want to be. In a few words, they were dreamers. And those dreamers were the people that made this company thrive. Sometimes they would think, 'If I spread out my wings and went after my dreams, would I fly or fail? I could never fail, for going after something you love is a reward within itself. So, let me jump off of a building. I shall spread my wings and fly.'

If you asked a pessimist, they'd tell you how shitty the place is. The lighting was crap, the seats they sat in were squeaky, and the boss looked like he tried to kill himself but failed. This place was an OSHA code violation away from being a crackhouse. The people who worked there were boring, and they hated everything about their jobs. They wanted the sweet release of death at any and all times. The place was so boring, even the paint on the walls, which was grey, by the way, was peeling. Everyone hated being here and wanted to quit. They couldn't though, because if they did quit, they wouldn't be able to pay rent. So, they worked in an unfulfilling environment in a fucked up society where people are told to dream, but once they fall flat on their faces, the world says, "Who told you to be bold? Who told you to be passionate about anything? Expectations are what let you down and cause happiness to elude your grasp. Let the world step on you once and you'll be walked all over for the rest of your life." This, along with the gentle sound of the kitchen refrigerator humming made the employees think, 'This world is too harsh, and I cannot tell whether I am here to pay my dues or to use this place as a jumping-off point. But if I jump, I am destined to fall. For there are no successes without failures to follow. So, why try to succeed if I am destined to fail? Let me jump off of a building. I shall spread my wings and die.'

Somewhere in the middle, is where John worked. It wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible. It didn't provide its employees with health benefits, but the money was more than adequate. And while the atmosphere of the place was generally terrible, the people within were delightful and wonderful. It was a pleasure to meet each and every one of them. 

"Morning everyone!" John rolled into work. His walking stance was duckish in form. Yes, you heard me, duckish. Ever seen Donald Duck prance around the street? That was John's stance. Now, can we move on with our lives?

"Morning, John," Drake said with a dull voice in his throat. He couldn't muster up the energy to talk like he was excited. He wasn't and was looking for more reasons to stay this way.

"Wow, isn't the world just wonderful today? I found a nickel on the floor this morning, I thought it was a quarter, my family is visiting me this Thanksgiving, I ate my favorite breakfast cereal today and it's not even ten in the morning!" John was ecstatic. There was no one that could put a damper on his day. He was revolutionary. It's amazing what some sex can do for you when you've been practicing celibacy for the past ten months. And when that sex is with your sou- I'm sorry, I almost gave away a huge spoiler. Wow, I'm proud of myself though. Normally, I do, but I really controlled myself. Anyways, what was Drake about to say?

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