The Truth?

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Jughead and Bret stood staring. The tension in the air was strangling me.
"Betty, what have you been doing all day?" Jughead breathed through his clenched jaw.
"I was-"
"Come on  Forsythe" Bret interrupted. "It's Obvious.." I gave Bret the death stare, He wasn't going to say anything was he? "It's obvious, Jughead, that Betty was out enjoying herself and we just met in the hall on my way back from the assembly" I sighed and looked over at Jughead hoping for him to believe these lies. I was happy Bret didn't disclose our little secret. However I was  very surprised. Brett never liked Jughead, he had no reason to lie. Either way we're definitely going to have to discuss this later.
    Jughead moved his focus from Bret and  back to me. "So how was it Jug, Bret told me it was boring but since it's your first year you must have found something exciting at the assembly".
    "Actually Betty," Jughead  grumbled. "I didn't go to the assembly, I thought maybe we could spend the day around the school while it was empty" I didn't know how to respond. I am such a bad person. Jughead must have been sitting here the whole day waiting for me.
"Oh Jughead I'm so sorry" I cried throwing my arms around him. I didn't care that Bret was standing behind me. I needed Jughead to know I was sorry even if he didn't truly know what for. "I decided to go out to the library and read but I must have left my phone here, I had no idea you were going to come back looking for me" Jughead wrapped his arms tightly around me as I scrambled to explain myself.
"It's ok Betty, I was just worried. How about we go grab some food and walk around for the rest of the evening".
"That sounds perfect Jug" I smiled and planted a quick kiss on his lips before following him out of the dorm.  
As I reached to close the door made eye contact with Bret. I had almost forgotten he was in the room. Bret was now sprawled out on his bed reading the red book.
"You need to tell him," Bret sighed.
"See you later Bret" I  payfully smirked before shutting the door behind me. There was no way I was going to say anything about Bret now. I needed to see how me and Jug were doing first.
"So you really think Bret's not a bad guy" Jug laughed, nudging my shoulder.
"I just think you're scared of some competition, you're going to have to work twice as hard if you want to be best in your class" I looked up and Jug pulled me closer.
"Oh Betty don't underestimate me" Jug let out a small smile and pulled me in for a kiss. It was short and sweet, nothing like Brett. It felt safe, familiar.
"Ok Jug if you ever want to eat we need to get going" Jughead gave me  a disappointed look before swooping me into his arms.
"Hey, put me down!" I squealed as he carried me down the hallway.  Jughead finally let me go when we reached the dining hall.
"Wow this place is huge. Just like Hogwarts" I was amazed at the sight in front of me. This had such great artiture it was amazing, nothing like Riverdale.
"Stop dazing and let's eat" Jughead chuckled. We made our way over to the buffet. There was a large selection and all the food looked like it was prepared by professionals. I decided to pick a small meal so me and Jug would have more time to walk around. Jug however did not have the same mindset, it looked like he picked one of everything.
"Jug" I sighed, giving him a glare. "I thought we were going to eat quickly and then walk around".
"Betty, do you see this?!I've been living off of the vending machine the past week, this is my first meal, we can hang out later. ''  I decided not to be annoyed by Jughead's behavior. He was just under a lot of stress. Anyways, who said we couldn't have fun in the dining hall.
Jug and I picked a seat far away from the gathering crowds of other Stonewall students. Jughead began to dig into his plate the second we sat down.
"So Jug anything interesting going on?" I asked.
"Nope I mean I'm sure there is I wouldn't know though...seeing I skipped the assembly" Jughead said between a mouthful of food and an eyeroll.
"Jug I thought you said you weren't mad, at least you didn't seem mad in the hallway earlier" I reached my hand to mean his. Jug looked up to meet my eyes.
"Sorry Betty I'm not mad. I mean of course I'm a little annoyed but it's ok" he said apologetically. I moved my chair closer to his and wrapped my arms around him.
"Do you really want to eat all this food?" I laughed looking down at his plate.
"No"  he laughed.
"How about we go back to the dorm, I'm sure Bret will be happy to leave" I smiled. I probably shouldn't do this after my time with Bret but I needed to. I needed to reconnect with Jughead.

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