CH. 16

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Izuku walked up to the cabin, Katsuki followed right behind him as Iida and Kirishima positioned themselves at each side of the cabin but putting enough distance to give the king and his family their personal space.

"L-let me just put Kazumi to bed and I'll be right out...", Izuku said.

"Eh? But I want to play too!", Kazumi protested as his mother entered the cabin.

"You, young man are grounded for not waiting in the cabin like I told you!", Izuku stated as he sat him down on the dining table.

"Now, I put some fruits and pastries here in the basket. Eat something and then go straight, to, bed. Understood?", Izuku said.

"Yes ma...", Kazumi sulked as he started rummaging through the basket.

Izuku smiled and ruffled his son's hair, Kazumi trying to shoo his mother away as he was now upset with him. Izuku kissed him on the cheek before he exited the cabin. He gently closed the door behind him and shakily let go of the doorknob, afraid to be alone with his mate with his son just on the other side of the door. His gaze remained on the ground as the alpha's intense gaze never left him. He walked past the alpha and sat down on the small steps leading to the cabin entrance, Katsuki followed suit.

As they sat on the stairs, not a single word was said. Izuku hugged his knees to his chest; he didn't speak as the alpha's intense gaze made him.incredibly nervous. Izuku didn't know if he should allow Katsuki to speak first or if he should start the conversation. 'There's so much I want to say and I'm sure Kacchan does to, but where would I start? How's he going to react? What'll I do if he wants to take me back or worse, if he wants to take Kazumi and leave me behind?', Izuku thought. The painful silence with the occasional sound of wind blowing against trees was agonizingly painful ... so Izuku finally spoke up.

"S-so ... how have you b-"

Izuku was abruptly cut off as Katsuki roughly grabbed and placed him in his lap, holding onto the omega tightly against the alpha's chest.

"Please! Please tell me that this isn't a dream! Tell me that this is real and that you're right here in front of me!?", Katsuki screamed but was semi-muffled as he buried his face against his mate's scent gland as he inhaled the vanilla scent that he missed so, so much.


"Five years! You've been gone for five years! In that time I searched for you, bled for you, killed for you, just so I could see you again and I find you here in this stupid kingdom and you have a child! Not just any child, but ours!! I took care of those god damn birds in the tree, I'm taking care of your mother as promised, and I flipped the whole god damn world upside down, hoping that one day the universe would bring you back to me!", Katsuki exclaimed as he continued to cry into his mate's shoulder.

Izuku felt the alpha's tears soak into his thick shirt. The alpha was trembling, the faint sound of whimpers escaping the alpha as he cried. Izuku's heart broke at the pain his mate was feeling, and rightfully so. After everything the two went through, after what he did to Katsuki, it's expected for the alpha to be enraged and/or saddened by his sudden decision. He returned the embrace and tightly held onto the alpha, letting his tears fall into the blonde's hair.

"Kacchan ... I'm so sorry", Izuku whimpered.

"Why? Why didn't you stay!?", Katsuki wearily asked, not moving from his position.

"Because ... you were going to give up your crown. I wouldn't be able to live knowing that I took away your dreams...", Izuku sobbed.

"I wouldn't have cared about that! I just need you here in my arms Deku!", Katsuki exclaimed.

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