Part 1- Intro

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*blink* What am I doing here? Wait where exactly am I? I search for a light switch. Bingo! I turn the light on. It's blindingly bright! Once I can properly see, I realize I am at Bart's house. I must have fallen asleep at his party last night. Bart is known for his parties. We don't do anything stupid, like in those movies. But Bart has a huge house, and his parents are hardly ever home. My parents don't expect me home for a couple of days when I go to Bart's. The party lasts all night, then I'm stuck helping clean up all the next day. I'm in Bart's guest room. Well, one of his guest rooms. I check the clock. 10:03 am. Hmm.. Decent time to wake up.

I walk through the house opening doors, turning on lights, and yelling at everyone to get up. I wasn't the only one who crashed here last night. I rarely am. I open the door to Lina's room. Lina is Bart and I's other best friend. She adopted a room in Bart's house because her parents fight a lot. I walk in and over to her dresser. I take out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and strip down right there and change.

Lina: Ari? What time is it?

Me: 10ish

I hear Lina groan.

Lina: Why on earth did you get me up so early?

Me: I didn't. You woke up yourself.

I chucked slightly. Lina got out of bed and walked into her bathroom. I made my way to Bart's room. My name is Areianna by the way. Most people call me Ari. I walk into Bart's room and over to the mic and speaker. There's one in every room so everyone can hear me if I press the right button. I think Bart's mic works the best so I use his. I press down the button.

Me: All Right! Party's Long Over! Get Out!

I hear a chorus of groans throughout the house. I look over at Bart. Still asleep. I walk over to him and grab the flower vase off of the night stand. I dump the water and flowers on his face. Then drop the vase on his head. That wakes him up!


Me: These flowers need more water.

Bart: Who's still here?

Me: They're just leaving. Or should be.

With that I leave the room and check every room for people. There are a few people still asleep and I am no nicer to them than I was to Bart. I hear Bart mumble as he walks by.

Bart: Party pooper.

Me: You know it!

If I wasn't around, half of these people would be living here. Bart doesn't care. It's crazy how immature he is. Especially since he's friends with moi! That's right losers I speak French! I'm passing French 1 with a B+. So my grades aren't perfect but who cares? Not me! Not my parents! Certainly not Bart or Lina. Only one person has ever cared. Liam. My big brother. He's moved out now. Anyhoo, I should probably start cleaning up.

A.N. Hi!!! I know creative chapter title;) (if you didn't get that it was sarcasm) Thanks for reading my story! I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes! Also sorry it's so short! This is my first story so please be nice! Thanks again for reading! I love you my doves! I'll update next week! Please comment and tell me what I could do better and tell me if you like the story so far!

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