Chapter 2: Physical test and more

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(You might have noticed I change the cover picture. That's because I decided to stop being lazy and draw one. Also, I apologise for the lack of uploading. I only write to distract myself from something,)

The first day at school rolled around faster than the students were expecting. When they all arrived Izuku had told them all to wait quietly for the teacher. This turned out to be a good thing because the teacher complimented them for being prepared. Someone was going to mention how Izuku told them to be quiet but decided that the dad of UA did it for a reason. It was known that Izuku was intelligent more so than Momo and she had a high intellect. His physical strength was already proven to be above everyone there, after finding out how many points he scored in the entrance exam. They'd soon find out his physical capabilities but that was because of the physical test that was just announced. "Now, get out to the field," Aizawa states but no one heard him. "You heard the man. Momo, you are in charge of the girls. Boys, come with me," Izuku states. "Yes, dad!" The class yell out in unison as they start to exit leaving a dumbfounded Aizawa. 

The boys went into the boys changing room (Of course, they wouldn't go into the women's changing rooms) and started to get dressed into the UA sports uniform. The same with the girls they went into the women's changing rooms and began to change into the sports uniform.

Once everyone was outside they could see Aizawa in thought. Probably thinking about what happened within a week for one guy to be called dad by them all. A little cough to get his attention brought him out of his thinking and Aizawa could see everyone was there waiting, no talking, just waiting. It would have been a dream come true for Aizawa if it weren't for the fact that he wasn't the one to get everyone in this attentive state. 

"We will be doing fitness tests to show you how much better you'd do with quirks. Izuku, you are up first. What did you get in the ball throw in your last test?" Aizawa asks as he throws a ball to Izuku who caught it without looking. "I scored just over 70 meters," Izuku states standing in attention in the circle, waiting to be told when to start. Now that Aizawa looks at everyone he could see they were all stood at attention, ready for anything. "Start when you are ready," Aizawa states.

Izuku uses his quirk on the ball to make it more aerodynamic. After this, he throws it as far as he could with his physical strength as well as using his quirk to smash it flying before it hit the floor. This scored him a nice 2km by just repeating the action of battering it. Izuku returned to the group without another word. It was kinda scary to Aizawa. Normally his classes were loud and everyone would have something wrong straight off the bat but his current group showed no fear of failure even after he threatened them with expulsion. Aizawa makes his way over to Izuku. "How'd you do it? How'd you get them all to behave so well?" Aizawa asks with curiosity. "They promised that during school time, excluding break time, that they'd be ready for anything and will act as a model student. They are completely different in the dorms but we all have our fun," Izuku answers honestly with a smile that showed that he was proud. A proud father of 20.

That was a good enough answer for Aizawa and for the first time in a long while Aizawa smiled, not with his shit-eating grin but a genuine smile. He decided against expelling anyone at the end and some sighs of relief could be heard despite how unbothered they looked. "Good job. Go change back and get going to your next class," Aizawa commands with a smile. This time Izuku didn't have to say anything, instead, they went whilst talking about class and their future classes. Already wanting to improve. Aizawa liked that. 

"Izuku, you haven't told us but who's looking after Eri right now?" Mina asks curiously. "Currently? That would be my mother," Izuku states with a smile. "The mother of the classes dad sounds as though she'd be kind to all," Mina states with a smile. "She's way too kind, as well as protective," Bakugou states with his own smile. He still called Inko aunty despite calling her son dad but that was for different reasons. He'd promised long ago that he'd kill anyone who harmed her and he knew Izuku wouldn't hesitate to protect her and Eri. 

Just from hearing Bakugou mention how kind she was got the others thinking about what she was like. "If you lot ever meet her, which you probably will, don't be afraid to dress her as aunt Inko, Katsuki calls her that and she doesn't mind," Izuku states with a smile that would give All Might a run or his money. It also felt more protective towards the class because he was a protective dad to them. 

The next class was English and they had present mic as a teacher. He cracked a couple of jokes but no one laughed because of the serious persona they put on for class. It made it hard for present mic to teach but if you aren't struggling even a tiny bit then you aren't improving. That's how the class viewed it anyway, if they are expected to adapt and overcome then so are the teachers. 

When everyone returned to the dorms they dropped their persona and began to chat away. Some talking about the expulsion threat and others talking about all the heroes they got to meet. It was a complete 180 change in their personalities but they understood why they have to be prepared for everything. Izuku explained to everyone that the threat would have happened if they didn't show Aizawa that they had potential which made a certain male with grapes for hair sigh with relief knowing that Aizawa thought he had potential. Soon it was time for bed and Izuku went around to check on everyone before he himself dropped off.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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