I Didn't Know You Were the Regina George of This School: Chapter 9

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Lunch time is almost over by the time Ava and I are done giving away our secrets. We promise to meet after school tomorrow. I don't tell her I'm hanging out with Justin today. It's just I already bonded with her, and I didn't want anything little like meeting with someone else to ruin that.

I race over to Math class, but on my way I see Justin in my peripheral vision. I quicken my pace. However, Justin's legs are longer than mine, and I've never played a sport. So, when he comes striding alongside me, I glower at him.

Justin raises both of his hands,

"What?" he raises one eyebrow. "I could not have annoyed you with my simply my presence," he states.

I hiss back,

"Didn't I say you couldn't sit with me?"

Justin laughs much to my chagrin. I check my surroundings making sure none of 'The Greats' have seen me with him yet. Justin's still gazing at me with a smile so bright it could light up Las Vegas.

"Chill dude. I didn't know you were the Regina George of this school," He teases. "Plus, you said I couldn't sit with you, not that I couldn't walk with you."

It takes everything in me not to smile, and even then I know one is peeking through my face. He's still smiling at me, which only makes it harder not to smile back. I don't know how to handle this situation though. I don't want to push Justin away, but I also don't want Alexander or any of the other groups members to see me with Justin.

I tap my hand incessantly against my leg and quicken my pace. Justin and I are practically jogging at this point. I'm breathing heavily. I can't believe Justin isn't out of breath yet, like me, but there is no way I'm slowing down. Then, we're at my classroom so I stop. I can't outrun my problems, and Justin stops with me.

"You're definitely smart enough to read between the lines. But, I promise if you leave me alone now I'll do and say whatever you want later today when I go to your house." I say breathily.

Justin furrows his brows, but ultimately gives me a small nod. A smirk worms its way onto his face. I swear he stares into my soul. His golden brown eyes are pools I could swim in forever. Then, he leans in closer to me. I scrunch my eyes, I'm sure he'll rip me apart for the way I just behaved. Instead, he whispers into my ear,

"Here's my number and address," Justin slips a piece of paper into my pocket. Then, he adds "I'll be looking forward to you doing and saying whatever I want at my house."

And just like that, he's gone, running towards his next class. I realize I'm out of breath and not because of my earlier jogging. My erratic heartbeat won't calm down, until AP calculus is at least fifteen minutes in.

I don't bother listening to the lecture. I know all of it by now. I mean that's all I usually do. I play cello, I do math, and I play a role as Alexander's bitch. But senior year, these past two days, feel like a tornado. I've never known anything other than keeping my head down and surviving through highschool. For the first time since I've been part of 'The Greats' I allow myself to think about having friends, real ones. Ones I could connect with on more than a superficial level.

The rest of my day goes on in a dreamy state. I know I walk to classes and listen to teachers, but it's like I've floated to my classes and the teachers are just murmurs in the background. It's not the usual dread and drudgery that I usually face everyday. It's lighter somehow.

Then, the school bell rings, and the day is over. I haven't seen the rest of 'The Greats' the entire day, so I leave campus grounds not letting Alexander live in my mind rent free for the rest of the day.

I take out the crumpled piece of paper, from my pocket. It has three things written on it.

Justin's number

Junstin's address

A note which says: See you later ;)

I don't know what a winky face means, but it seems to make my breathing unsteady for the second time today. I get out my phone to text Justin, and see if I can walk over to his house now. I type.

Dylan: Is it okay if I come over now? It's probably easier if I do, because I don't have a car and your house is on my way home.

Then, a ping jostles my phone.

Justin: I'm assuming this is Dylan. And aww, you don't need to make excuses about not wanting to stay away from me. I don't have basketball practice today so come on over.

Heat rushes to my cheeks, not only at the mention of Justin saying I shouldn't make excuses, but mostly because I forgot to introduce myself. Why wouldn't I just say my name?

Dylan: Ok

I decide to keep it simple, because I'm less likely to mess up if I say less words.

I sling my weighted backpack over my shoulder and try to figure out what I'm going to say to Justin when I arrive at his house. I can't tell him the truth, not without exposing Ava and ruining all of her braver and the progress we made today. At the same time, I don't want to shut him out, I don't know why, but I'm not ready to close Justin off from the rest of my life just yet.

I'm not any further in making my decision when I hear an engine revving and a car honking behind me. The sound drags me away from my thoughts, and I look at the asshole who has to honk and rev his engine.

My eyes widen. Oh shit.

Justin stares at me behind the wheel of a silver truck. He smiles and waves at me signalling me to come closer to him. My mouth opens and won't seem to close. My legs also don't seem to be working either because they're latched onto this piece of sidewalk. Justin seems to take this as a cue to drive closer to me.

He rolls down the window to his truck. Justin gives me a small smile and hugs the outside of his car through the window.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to get in the big bad car?" Justin smirks.

Honestly, standing in place does seem like the better option, and if I get into that car I might just combust. However, I don't want to let Justin get the upper hand.

"My mother said never to get in the car with strangers," I counter, and smirk right back at him. It's just enough to make Justin chuckle.

"You're funny, good thing I have a truck and not a car, not get in it" Justin teases.

I sigh. I was going to have to face Justin either way, and I probably wasn't going to reach a decision on what to say when I got to his house. This'll only speed up the process of me floundering like an idiot. This is why I study, so I always know what to say or do, so I won't be out of place. I wish there was a course on social interactions, I would sign the hell up for that. 

Finally, my legs decide to move, and I make my way into Justin's truck. When I get in he puts the truck in drive, and we're off. I try not to look stupid by being as still as possible, but I must look weird because Justin says,

"You know I don't bite," he laughs. "I mean I can, but only if you ask."

I instantly gasp, and my cheeks redden. My reaction makes him laugh so hard he snorts. A real life snort. That's something I thought only movie and tv characters did. Now, it's Justin's time to have his cheeks turn red and my eyebrows to shoot up towards the sky. Serves him right.

"I'm sure that snort gets all the ladies to get you to bite them," I mock.

"The ladies love it, it's my secret move," he winks while still looking at the road.

I know we're just teasing each other, but the last comment somehow makes my stomach sour a little. It feels as though I should just brush it off, but I don't want to. I can't even admit to myself I thought we might have been flirting. It's too embarrassing, even though I'm the only one who knows. I don't know what I was expecting him to say, but it wasn't that.

I sigh, I push my feelings backwards. I knew this was too good to be true. There's a larger part of me that still wants me as his friend, so I bite back saying anything snide. Instead, I try to value the idea of friendship.

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