Chapter four

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"Coffee?" Isabelle asked, walking up to them in the airport. "No thanks, I've had like three." Magnus said swiftly, looking around the place  - it was a small private airport, more like it, and they had their own plane. Or well, the Lightwoods had. Isabelle quirked an eyebrow, but sat down next to him, handing Alec his coffee. The taller hunter took it, sipping it right away and then fanned his mouth in an instant. "Fuck, hot, that's hot!" he said and Isabelle glared at him while Magnus laughed. "You don't say." she said and nudged Jace, who had been dozing off. "I'm awake." he quickly blabbered and Isabelle handed him the coffee. 

"You're a life savior." the blonde said, inhaling the scent of the drink. Isabelle rolled her eyes, a ghost of a smile on her lips. "Old news. How'd everyone sleep?" Isabelle then asked and looked at Magnus and Alec pointedly, a smirk making its way onto her lips. Alec was avoiding her gaze, the ever so sweet blush creeping up on him. Magnus smiled at her brightly, his leg bouncing on the concrete because of the caffeine consumption. He really didn't like flying.

"Better than I've slept in years. Why?" Magnus asked sweetly and Isabelle's gaze went from her brother to Magnus. "No particular reason." she said, amused but Magnus knew she was dying to know what had happened. In truth, nothing compromising. Alec had told Magnus he didn't want to rush things and he had agreed - they barely knew each other, even if it felt as if they'd known each other for years. He had woken up with Alec's arms around him, feeling the taller boy's body pressing against his. It had been way too early, barely 7, but Magnus was so used to waking up at hours such as these. It had been quiet, just the slow and deep breaths of Alec behind him, slightly tickling his neck, because he had nuzzled against it and it made Magnus's heart beat just a little bit faster.

The bliss that enveloped him in that moment was very foreign. Magnus had never really had the time to fall in love. The way he lived, it was better not to get attached to people. When he did, though, it was a disaster. He would fall hard and fast, and usually, it would end in his heartbreak. It had happened before and there was no denying it - he was scared that it'll happen again. But with Alec, it felt as if it was worth it. It was worth getting his heart trampled all over and thrown aside - Alec was the purest soul he'd ever met, kind and dedicated. He was so caring and honest, that Magnus felt as if he'd made him up of all the things he had felt lack of in his previous life. But he had felt Alec's arms tighten around him, him shuffling closer and whispering a 'good morning' into his ear, and he knew it was real. All of it was real - it scared him, to a tremendous extent, but it also excited him. Sometimes, taking that leap, even though you're so scared, was eventually worth it all and you stop to wonder, why were you so afraid in the first place?

"Right, like I'd believe that." Magnus then said, crossing his legs and stretching them out. "Magnus." Alec warned, glancing at him and then glaring at his sister. "Don't give her a reason to keep at it." he continued and Magnus huffed a laugh, sending a wink to Isabelle. "So, nothing happened?" she wanted to know and now, Jace was also staring at them, the corner of his mouth quirked into a vicious smile. "Yeah, did you do it or not?" he asked bluntly and Alec coughed, after taking a sip of his coffee. "Wouldn't you like to know." Magnus said casually and Jace tilted his head in amusement. "That's why I'm asking, dumbass." he said and Magnus raised an eyebrow. "If I'd have wanted you to know about my sex life, blondie, I'd have been much, much louder, so you wouldn't need to ask." Magnus said and watched in satisfaction as Jace's eyes went wide and he grimaced.

"Magnus!" Alec said, in exasperation and Magnus laughed. "Relax, I'm only joking. Partly." he said and Jace raised his hands quickly. "Sorry I asked." he said, defeated and Isabelle smirked - Magnus knew she didn't buy any of it. Alec's face, however, needed a serious cool-down. "Mr. Lightwood?" came a voice and Alec looked up, just as Jace did. "He means me, dick wad." Alec said, getting up to meet the man. Jace made a hurtful sound but Alec ignored him.

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