The Prophecy pt 3...

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Lisa's pov~

"Lisa! Why do you have a wolf?! Wait no, that's a werewolf!!" Jisoo unnie is interrogating me right now. "Unnie relax! He was being attacked by a spirit mage so i saved him." I explained to them so that unnies won't be worried.

"Wait your that Juncock boy from that keeps bullying Lisa aren't you?! I knew i'd seen you somewhere!" Jennie unnie switched into overprotective big sister mode again. I have to say something to save him from unnies now. He looks scared of them as he had buried his face into the crook of my arm as if trying to hide from them.

Jungkook's pov~

"Relax unnies! He won't hurt me. Just look at him, he's literally too weak to walk. How's he gonna attack me in this state huh?" Thank god Lisa told her sisters that or else i would be dead by now!

Once her sisters had relaxed and stopped worrying she began walking to somewhere when i suddenly remembered my hyungs! I immediately panicked and tried to jump down but forgot my current state and ended up falling from Lisa's arms. Luckily, she had fast reflexes and managed to catch me before i sustained any further injuries.

She seemed to know that i wanted to shift into my human form so she carefully put me down on one of the soft chairs. I quickly shifted back to human form and told her about my hyungs.

"My hyungs are still in the forest! We were attacked by four spirit mages so we split up to try and defeat them separately. Luckily you saved me, but I don't know what happened to them after we split up! Pls help them! They could be hurt or in danger!"

I was panicking so while i told Lisa everything, i forgot to breath and my body was very tense. Lisa took notice and wrapped her arms around me to try and calm me down. The sweet smell of her soft orange hair added to her comforting gesture. "Breath, baby bunny. And relax a bit. I'll tell my unnies to go find your hyungs."

After reassuring me that my hyungs will be fine, she went to go tell her sisters to go find my hyungs. I heard her sisters leaving so i knew they just set off to find my hyungs. Only then did my brain process her words properly. Wait...bunny?! Did she just call me her 'baby bunny'??? Oh god!

My face heated up and i felt it turning red so i quickly turned back into a wolf to hide my blush. She came back at that moment and when she saw my face she looked surprised for about 5 seconds before smirking at me. She was still smirking as she picked me up again and brought me to a infirmary room.

She then sat down on the floor next to a tub of clean water, with me laying on her lap. "I know you were blushing just now bunny." She said the last word in a teasing manner and i knew she was teasing me now.

She looks like a bunny as well tho and the name is cute. Actually, i think i'm fine with her calling me her bunny. Only her. And only if i can call her my bunny as well.

Taehyung pov~

Ever since we split up to try and defeat our spirit mages, i have know idea what happened to my brothers. Well we were pretty stupid to try and defeat the ghouls on our own. We completely forgot that it takes 5 people to defeat 1 Dark creature. Despite my vampire speed, i couldn't lose the mage in the trees.

And the split up thing also failed because Jin, Me and Jimin ran into eachother at one point and our spirit mages surrounded us. I have zero idea what happened to Jungkook right now but i hope he's alright. I have a feeling he was saved tho, hopefully someone saves us as well.

At the moment, we are all covered in our blood and  can't move because the mages put a spell on us to freeze us in place while they shot curses and spells at us. The spells and curses inflicted a lot of damage on us.

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