Under the Radar 1

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Rosé's pov~

"Well, its kind of complicated but, basically were mages. Our jewels are enchanted to hide our powers. They have a spell on them which multiplies our power by 2 for an hour. That will be drained now tho." Thank god Jisoo unnie came up with that excuse. Some of it was true, most of it is fake though.

"Why didn't you tell us?!! Were your friends!" Seulgi unnie sounds a bit sad. "Well, we didn't want to worry you if something happens to us. And we also didn't want any extra, fake friends. Not you guys tho, your good. We promise we were gonna tell you soon tho!" Jisoo unnie, you saved us again but i feel bad lying to our friends.

"Ohhhh, okay! For a second there i thought you were some demi goddess or something hehe." Jimin says while laying his head on my lap. I was treating his wounds and wrapping bandages on them. I had already cleansed them with magic so it was easier to heal him.

The students were used to these boys clinging on us now, i even heard some students talking about shipping us! And now i'm a Liskook, Taennie and Jinsoo shipper. Not sure about Jirosé tho. It sounds cool.

So we'll start summoning the portal now, is that fine?" Eomma CL asked unnies, Lisa, and me. "Sure Eomma you can start up in the first library on the left." I told her. "Alright thx baby chaeng." Eomma replied and left to find the room with the other teachers. "So were gonna stay here for a week right?" Lali asked me but before i could answer, i was interrupted.

"Wait, EOMMA?! TF do you mean by EoMmA?! Is Mrs. CL your mOm?!" This mochi squeaked because he's smol and tiny. "No, not really, she's just our adoptive mom." I told him and pinched his mochi cheeks, and he squished my face in return. "HeY! Don't squish my face or i might accidentally do something wrong to your wounds!"

I scolded him as i was still putting bandages on his forehead. "Ok, ok, sorry Rosie posie!" He chuckled. I froze at his words. Then he realised his words and froze too. We both now looked like tomatoes. "Uh, i'm done treating your wounds, you can get your head off my lap now..." i stuttered.

He blushed harder and immediately shot up into a proper sitting position. We were both avoiding eye contact as we were still blushing hard. "Woah, what's wrong with all of you? You all look like tomatoes, you two, Lisa, Jungkook, Jin, Jisoo, Taehyung and Jennie should form a group together. We'll call it,... 'The Tomatoes'!!!"

(piRaTE_quEENzz does this make you feel better?)😂😂😂😂(Sorry! I don't know what happened to Jisoo's eye!!!!😣😢😭)

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(piRaTE_quEENzz does this make you feel better?)😂😂😂😂
(Sorry! I don't know what happened to Jisoo's eye!!!!😣😢😭)

Oh lord Yoongi oppa is teasing us! "Nayeon unnie!!! Suga oppa is being mean to me again!!!!" I screamed at Nabong unnie. "Suga! Come here and leave them alone, there just being the horny asses they are." Nayeon unnie called her boyfriend who immediately walked over to her laughing at her words.

"Unnie and oppa are so mean!!!" I whined. But why did Suga oppa say Jinsoo and Taennie's names? Oooohhhh!!! Did something happen? I ran to the kitchen to check on Jinsoo and found them blushing like mad and so were Taennie as i went to check on them in there shared bedroom. Liskook was sleeping in Lisa's gaming room while cuddling, but there cheeks were still red. I wonder what happened to them?

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