The Final Battle pt2...

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Lisa's pov~

We were laying weak and wounded on the roof as we watched our jewels turn grey and crack in half right before our eyes. "Girls! Teleport now! Clouds!" Jisoo unnie panicked but we managed to do what she said. Just in time too, seconds after the jewels broke, the witches were about to hit us with dark magic.

Our wigs burned off from the surge of magic that radiated from us now that the jewels were gone. The jewels however fell from the clouds right next to where BTS were fighting. The witches' magic blast had hit where we were laying just after we had teleported and nobody had seen us teleport.

So obviously, everyone thought we were hit and most probably dead, which is why a whole lot of screams followed the blast. "Unnie! We have to help!" I weakly told my sisters. The teleporting had taken all the energy i had left after being thrown into the roof of the house. "We know. I think we have to do it unnie."

Jennie unnie told Jisoo unnie. "I know. I think we have to do it. Girls, i think we have to expose ourselves. No, wait! Don't take your goddess transformation! Just use half the goddess powers! Not fully, but more than before. Ready?" Jisoo unnie formulated a plan so quickly. "Its our time to shine girls. Let's do this!" We agreed immediately.

Girl's pov~

We let some of our goddess powers out. Our goddess powers healed our wounds as Jisoo and Jennie's natural hair flowed down and Lisa and Rosés wigs fluttered, magic radiating from all of us. "Let's get this over with!" Rosé smirked. We were about to teleport into view but then we heard screams of agony and pain. Masculine screams.

And then several Feminine screams but not as heart breaking as the masculine ones. We looked to where they were coming from and saw the boys and TwiceVelvet running to where we were laying before the blast hit the roof. The house had collapsed from the blast and all that remained were ashes.

The girls cried as they tried to comfort eachother. The rapline of BTS was trying to battle the dark creatures but there were tears streaming down there faces. The remaining 4 of BTS were crying as they held the jewels which had fallen from where we were standing.

Jisoo's pov~

I saw Jin trying to hold himself together as the oldest but breaking down as he stared at my jewel that he had picked up. "Jisoo, why...." he whispered as his hand clenched around the jewel. Clearly he thought i had died. I hate seeing him like this. It breaks my heart seeing him cry because of me.

Then i realised that if the witches hadn't attacked, he wouldn't have thought i was dead as i would never have been thrown into that roof. My anger towards them doubled as i saw them smirk and laugh at Jin because he was crying. My anger made my eyes glow again.

You messed with the wrong person! I thought as a ball of purple light appeared in my hand, growing larger and larger by the second until it was a huge ball of purple flames. I aimed it at the witches and shot it at them with 2 quarters full force.

Jennie's pov~

I saw my alien crying. He was holding my jewel. But he was crying. "JENNIE!! NO SHE'S NOT DEAD!!!-" "yes she is idiot! We killed her! Ha! And i thought you were actually a powerful knight!" How dare they make fun of my alien's cries!!! I thought as i glared at the witches laughing at him.

My anger flowed to my eyes and hands causing the red glow around my eyes and the ball of fire to appear in my hands.Bigger and bigger until it was large as a water melon. I took my aim and blasted it at the witches.

Yes, i had trouble controlling the blast and nearly went full force but managed to do only 2 and half quarters of full force. Thank goodness Jisoo unnie's strong aura snapped me out of my rage and stopped me from overpowering the blast.

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