Chapter 34

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The way back through the Commonwealth was easier than I expected. With the Institute gone, and nearly every settler and trader knowing my face, we only had mutated species to fear on our travels. Raiders were still around, but they tended to stick to their spots. Deacon and I knew where they camped by heart.

We made several stops on our way through. First was Goodneighbor. As we walked through the gate, Deacon grinned widely.

"Ah, Goodneighbor. Good times."

I laughed, remembering the time we had a thievery competition. For the life of me, I couldn't remember which one of us actually won. I just remembered how much fun we had. It was also the first night we danced together.

 "Of course you love it here, you miscreant."

I bumped him with my shoulder playfully.

"As I recall, you were a part of my miscreant behavior, boss."

"Yes, yes I was."

We laughed at our inside joke as we approached the first person on our list.

"Daisy! It's so good to see you again."

I smiled at the ghoul woman as she leaned over her counter.

"You two sure have been busy. Too busy to stop by and see me."

"Aw, Daisy. We're never too busy for you."

Deacon winked as he kissed up to her.

"You old flirt. What do you want?"

She stifled a grin as she watched us intently. We told her about the new Railroad and the part we would like her to play in it.

"You want me to smuggle people out of the Commonwealth, through caravans?"

I nodded.

"That's the gist of it. It'll be to help them get out of bad situations."

Daisy nodded.

"You can count on me. No matter what world we live in, there'll always be people who prey on the weak."

We bought supplies for the rest of our trip from her before leaving Goodneighbor.


Our next stop was the great green jewel of the Commonwealth. The familiar gate was a wonderful sight to see. We walked past Danny and the other security guard and into Diamond City. We went through the marketplace, straight to Diamond City Radio station. I opened the door to find Travis at work putting the next song on.

"This one is Rocket 69! Funny... you don't hear any songs about the other sixty eight rockets..."

I smiled, always comforted by hearing Travis botch the intros to his songs. He took his headphones off and turned around.

"Oh, it's you. Uh, what can I do you for? I mean, do for you?"

I laughed.

"Don't strain yourself, Travis. We just need a favor. Sort of."

He looked relieved.

"Ah, okay, what is it?"

Deacon explained his part in the new Railroad.

"We need you to transmit messages through your station. In code, of course. For a secret organization."

I covered my mouth to keep from laughing at Deacon's attempt at mysterious secrecy. He looked over at my with a slight grin before continuing.

"You'll play a central role in keeping things running smooth. Just broadcast what you get on the notes and you'll be helping us more than you know."

Travis nodded.

"Okay, yeah. I think- I can do that."

"Thank you, Travis."

I smiled at the awkward radio host.

"We'll be in touch soon."

With that, Deacon left the trailer with me close behind. I laughed out loud.

"I cannot believe you had to make such a show of it."

He turned to me and put a hand on his chest and opened his mouth in fake shock.

"It's like you don't even know me!"

"After all this time, I at least know you in the biblical sense."

I smirked as he laughed.

"You've got a point there, boss."

I looped my arm through his as we walked, getting back to our trip to Sanctuary.

"Come on, Dee. Let's go home."


We got back to Sanctuary just before the sun set. As we crossed the bridge, a settler guard called out.

"They're back!"

I exchanged a look with Deacon.

"I don't know if that's a good sign or not."

I joked as we entered our settlement. We barely made it past the second house before we were surrounded by the friends we had made over the years.

"Blue! You're back!"

Piper tackled me in a tight hug. I hugged her back before pulling away.

"Yeah, it's good to be back. It's been a long road."

Danse nodded to me.

"Welcome back, sister."

"Thanks, Danse."

I smiled at the Paladin as I walked past. I spotted Garvey headed our way. I smirked to myself as I had an idea. I rushed over to him.


He looked surprised.

"You seem happy to see me."

"General, there's a settlement that needs your help. I'll mark it on your map."

I burst out laughing at his confused expression as it turned to understanding.

"I see what you did there."

I left him standing there as my gaze fell on Sturges. I paused, knowing I had put him through hell and I didn't deserve his forgiveness. But he smiled as he got closer.

"Hey there, stranger."

I looked up at the grease monkey with a sheepish smile.

"Hello, Sturges. I know I can never make up for the things I've done-"

I was cut off by the surprise of finding myself in a bear hug.

"I forgive you."

He set me back down on the ground and I blinked back tears.

"You have no idea how much that means to me. Really, Sturges."

The reunions with everyone were so heartfelt, but this one hit the hardest. It made me regret the path I had chosen, but I knew the only thing I could do now was move forward.

Well, I was almost ready to move forward. There was still one thing bothering me. I just didn't know how to deal with it yet.

I excused myself from the celebration to sit on the balcony attached to my room in the main house. From there, I looked out over the people I was happy to call my friends. My chair was still there, even after all this time. I took a seat and put my feet up on the railing to think.

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