☂ F I V E ☂

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Follow my IG
And should I write imagines?? Xx
| L U K E |
"Lucky you, Lucifer. I'm not suspending you." Principle Connors said.

"Then what are you doing?" My mother asked.

"Just detention. Nothing major. He stood up for Ashton, our blind student."

I gulped.

Mom better not..."Ashton? Ashton...Irwin? Wasn't his dad in the news when he was a baby? That poor boy-"

"Not the point!" I said.

"Lucifer, go to second period. And here's your pass." Connors says.

I walk out binder in hand. Ashton is standing in the office. Talking to the office attendant. "...could second period be, like, physics?" He asked.

"No, sweetie. Taken up." She said.

"Hi, Ashton. Do you want me to walk you to class?" I asked.

Ashton whipped around staring at me. Or at least trying too. "Uh- uh yeah." Ashton said taking his bag. I smiled and took his hand. I didn't want him lost.

| A S H T O N |

I felt a hand take mine. My cheeks burned again. "C'mon." Luke said pulling me along. I followed. Total darkness made me mad, but I loved Luke's voice.
I realized I didn't know where he lead me. Down the stairs, past a chatting class, opened a metal door, and I heard it. The click of a car unlocking. "L-Luke? Wha-what are we doing?" I whispered.

"Trust me Ashton!" He laughed.

And I did.

| L U K E |
I helped Ashton with his seat belt. He started breathing hard. "You aren't kidnapping me, are you!?" He said.

"No! Ashton I don't kidnap anyone so calm your t**s. Okay? We are ditching."

"While your mums here?"

"She doesn't give a f**k."

"I wish I had that kind of mum."

"What's wrong with yours?"

"I can show you."

He gave me directions, somehow he knew, to his house. "How do you-" I start.

"Mum. She always gives out our address. For men. And I listen in."

"Oh, do-does your mum..."


"Oh, I didn't know. I'm sorry Ashton."

"It's worse once we get home." He whispered playing with his fingers.

I didn't dare ask.

| A S H T O N |
We, I believe, got to my house.

"There's a key in the lamp light." I whisper.

"Okay, thanks."

Luckily, he pulled me inside quietly.

"Okay, so...why were you switchin classes?" He asked.

"B-because. I only have you I believe First and last period, and well...Annika for three periods."

"Okay? Don't you have Calum in any?"

"Nope. Calum has zero classes with me."

"Well damn."

"I know."

I sat down on a cushiony object.

The couch I assumed.

"Okay, so, I may not be able to see but I can feel. Hear, and touch and smell you idiot. Don't do anything disastrous." I growled.

"I won't I won't."

| L U K E |
I looked around. There weren't many pictures of Ashton or his parents. "Ash, why don't you have any picture with your family?" I asked.

"I don't know, Luke. How do I know? I didn't."

Oh yeah...he's blind...

"Oh- I'm so sorry..." I said.

"It's okay. I guess you could say I get my own time of month without blood and cramps. Just an attitude." He laughed.

I smiled.

"But seriously Ash, tell me."

"I'm, well, I'm not loved per se, I just...my mum hates me. My dad left and went to jail, and well...y'know.."

"Does she do anything?"

"No- she hits me."

"That's doing something Ashton. How much?"

"E-evey...d-d-day." He whispers. I hug him.

"I am letting you stay with us for a while, okay?"




"I want you safe. Forever and ever.

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