25: territory

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You and Emberspirit start your tour of the territory. You reach a pond that glittered in the sunlight. "This is the sparkling pond. We only go here in leaf-bare. The frogs and fish we catch here don't taste nice.", Emberspirit explained. You screwed up your face at the thought of eating a frog. You continued along until you stopped at the edge of a forest littered with shadows. 

"This is Shadeclan border.", Emberspirit told you, "Take a good sniff, remember their scent.". You taste the air. "Smells like mice and leaves mixed with cat." you mewed. 

Emberspirit nodded, "That's right, Y/N.". You felt proud of yourself. Then, you notice Emberspirit has gone ahead. You're about to follow her when you here someone whisper, "Y/N!". The whisper sounds like it's from across the border.

Do you…

Catch up to Emberspirit (27)

Talk to whoever whispered and find out how they knew your name (26)

A/N: if any of you guys have some feedback on this book I'll be happy to take advice.

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