chapter 2- Why won't you answer?

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Kirishima pov:

As I walked home, I felt a sense of relief. I didnt have to fake a smile anymore, I could let my face drop and nobody would question it.

To be honest, the only reason I have to fake happiness is because of my home. My moms barely have enough money for food for us so I have to try and chip in every now and again- even if they insist I dont.

I made it to my house with my hands in my jacket as I walked into the house. The staircase on my right had clothes scattered on it and the hallway ahead of me was quiete a mess.

"Mom? Moma?" I called out into the mess of a house.

"Eijiirou honey? Oh were just in the kitchen! Home so soon?" My moma answered from up ahead.

I smiled slightly as I made my way across the toys and bottles scattered all over the floor. I actually arrived in the kitchen- no casualties!

My moma was standing at the sink, scrubbing dishes. I walked over to her and placed a small kiss on her freckled cheek. My moma had glasses perched on her nose and her black short hair tied up in a bun.

"Hiya baby!" A smile instantly came to my face as I turned around and in walked mom, holding ichika. Mom had her long ginger hair draped over her shoulder and her emerald eyes were glued to the little baby girl on her hip.

"Hey mom. Hey ichika~" I cooed as I ran over to mom and scooped up the toddler. She laughed, flashing me her little sharp teeth.

"Wow they're getting so sharp! Arent they? Yes they are! Yes they are!" I ticked my sister, making her little red eyes close and her mouth open wide as she giggled like crazy.

"Okay okay, its nap time honey." Moma said, cleaning the last dish. I handed ichika back over to mom,who I kissed on the cheek too and went to help moma clean the dishes.

"So, did you meet any friends?" She asked as I grabbed a cloth.

"Yeah, I made four actually." I smiled in accomplishment as my moma looked at me excited.

"Do tell!" She said as I rolled my eyes with a laugh.

"Well theres mina, sero, denki and bakugo but I think he is a bit distant." I shrugged to hide my frown.

"Oh I'm sure hes just shy! Maybe he hasnt had many friends before." Moma said as I finished drying the dishes.

"Yeah maybe. Well anyways I'm gonna go to my room now, moma. Thanks for this!" I smiled at my mom as i started walking towards the staircase.

"Okay hun, dinner will be done in an hour!" She called out as I ran upstairs and walked to my room.

My room was pretty empty except for a red bed, a dresser and a desk with a few red riot figures on which I probably should sell to help mom and moma.

I sighed as I draped my backpack from my shoulders and dropped it on the floor as I walked over to my bed and plopped on it, face down.

'Kirishima, maybe you should reach out to your soulmate!'

Minas words replayed through my head as I turned on my back and stared at the ceiling. After a few minutes of contemplating, I finally sighed and sat at my desk, grabbing a pen from a draw.

What do I even write? 'Hey I'm your soulmate who you must hate cause you've never reached out to me!' Uggghh!

I thought for a long time before just deciding to go with something simple.

'Hey :) '

I stares at the ink laying on my skin, dreading a response- or response. What if the smiley face is weird? What if they hate soulmates...what if I'm not good enough?

I sat for god knows how long overthinking everything, getting no response. Tears began to prick my eyes as I sighed. I guess I wont ever meet my soulmate then...

"Honey-kins! Dinners ready!"

I nearly fell of my chair as I scrambled around to hide my wrist.

"Eijiriou what was that noise, dear?"

I panicked as I jumped up from the floor and shoved the pen in my jacket pocket before running out of my room.

"Uh- it was nothing! I'm coming!" I yelled, jogging down the stairs and running to the dining table.

I sat at the table and glanced around at the lack of food. There was only a few sandwiches and glasses of water.

"Baby, your moma and I are sorry theres not much to eat." Mom put a hand on my shoulder and sighed.

"What? No! Dont worry about it mom, moma, it's fine. I ate at school so I'm not even that hungry. You can have it!" I jumped up from the table with a huge fake smile.

"Baby, you ate at school 5 hours ago, you need to eat. Especially with all that training you'll be doing." Mom said.

"Please. Just eat it." I insisted as I gently hugged the two woman and made my way back up to my room. I plopped down on my bed as tears pricked my eyes again.

The growling in my stomach wouldnt shut up as I groaned. I just want them to be happy. Tears rolled freely down my eyes and I made no effort to stop them as I stared at the ceiling.

I felt emptiness fill my soul as I wondered why I was even alive. My soulmate doesnt even want me, and I barely have enough money to survive along with a baby sister.

My thoughts were interrupted by a strange tingling in my wrist. Its probably just their mood changing again. I shrugged it off and closed mt eyes, hoping to fall asleep. My wrist kept tingling but it was different than the change of news. dont think-

My body shot up as I pulled at the clothing covering my wrist. I stared at it in disbelief. No way...the ink that I wrote was no longer alone. It was accompanied by:


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