chapter 9- yeah no❤

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Kirishima pov:

After some teasing and rolling of eyes, we finnally finished packing my things and walked downstairs.

"I'm sorry again honey!" Moma called out as we opened the door to leave.

"Yeah it's fine." I said as we left. It wasnt really fine but I knew it was an accident so I let it slip. We walked through the streets again in comfortable silence and as we made it to UA, I felt like we were closer than ever.

"Dont we have that test due Monday?" I heard todoroki say as me and bakubro walked towards the dorms.

"Wait- Crap! I havent revised!" I panicked but bakugo just grabbed my wrist and rolled his eyes as he kept walking.

"Cmon, we can study since you'll fucking fail without me." He said dragging me along and I smiled.

"Hey, can you help me too?!" I turned to see denki litterally on his knees pleading.

"Fuck no. I'm not dealing with your annoying ass." He started walking faster as denki overdramatically cried out "lord help me!"

"You called?" Momo asked with a smirking JIRIOU beside her.

"Fucking dumbass'". Bakugo groaned before leading me to his dorm room along with the boxes we were carrying. We walked into his room and be closed the door behind us.

"Okay put the boxes there, I'll get the revision books out."

I did as bakugo said and placed my boxes in the corner of the room and sat on the floor infront of bakugos bed. There was only one bed unlike my dorm which had two, and it was overall plain since he hadn't unpacked yet.

Bakugo sat beside me and placed the books infront of us.

"Okay so the test is about how to spot overuse of quirks. The common signs of overuse are exhaustion, bleeding, nausea, quirk failure, blah, blah, blah-"

The words coming out of his mouth turned gibberish as I found my eyes being drawn to his lips. The way they moved, how soft they looked, I wondered how they taste... my eyes then averted his bright red pupils. The way the light ignited them and made them look like fierce flames to match his explosive personality. The way they scanned the pages filled with meaningless words automatically. Hes the smartest in our class yet he hangs around an idiot like me...

"-tty hair? Kirishima?!" I snapped out of my trance to notice bakugo staring at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I-...uh..." my eyes found their way to his soft lips again and I felt mesmerized. How is one human so perfect? Yeah he may have some anger issues but I think that's just his way of dealing with stress. One you get to know him, he really is caring and thoughtful. Well...maybe he only shows that side to me but I know he cares about the rest of the squad.

I watched as his lips parted and his tongue grazed across his bottom lip gently. We made eye contact, red against red, and we gazed at eachother mesmerized by one another.

Without realising, our bodys started to edge closer together and my eyes darted between his lips and his eyes. He didnt seem to stop getting closer so I closed my eyes and felt our lips lock.

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