It's quiet in the hallway, too quiet since no one else was around right now plus the rain can be heard outside the bedroom window along with thunder too. And it was perfect.
Way to perfect, watching the rain pour down in the grass would definitely make her vegetables grow big and enough to make dinner too with lots of Salad. But today, it's suppose to rain all day and she wish there's something she could do.
She knew several other of the Eeveelutions were in the house as the others were out shopping at the town mall.
Flareon in his bedroom trying a new computer game he bought online as his computer crash several times on him when playing the game.
Glaceon in her bedroom brushing her fur trying to make herself look nice for Jolteon as they were going to the library again but Jolteon wasn't in the house right now.
And finally, Vaporeon was in the hallway eating a box of crackers sitting next to Leafeon doorway watching her.
"AAAGH," Flareon voice shouted down the hallway along with him taking out his keyboard and smashing it on the desk "Glaceon you cheated" he yells at her through the microphone built into the headset he's wearing
"you got lousy combat skills" Glaceon counters back, from her headset, from her bedroom as she too was on the computer playing the online game Flareon was on.
Looks like Glaceon had finish brushing her fur earlier than Leafeon though so she decided to get on her computer
Leafeon and Vaporeon could hear the two arguing in the bedrooms before going to there own computers in there own bedrooms, logging on and joining the game Flareon and Glaceon were playing.
Noticing two new players join the server, he sighs realizing it's Vaporeon and Leafeon.
"Hey Glaceon, seems Vaporeon and Leafeon join our fight"
"Good, now this will make things more interesting" Glaceon smirks sending her character to attack Vaporeon character
"Hey Glaceon, be careful I got Vaporeon back" Leafeon giggles in the headsets as her character snipes Glaceons character to pieces.
"Thanks Leafeon" Vaporeon said in his headset eating more crackers.
"Keep eating those crackers and your gonna get fat Vaporeon" Flareon laughs before his character gets snipe by Leafeon character
He cusses very loudly and bangs a paw on his desk hearing Vaporeon laugh.
"Shut it Vaporeon"
"Make me"
"Boys knock it off" Leafeon said in the microphone as her character gets bazooka by Glaceon character "Damn it Glaceon, this is war now" she yells
No more mercy it was time to fight.
Game on.
Laughing, yelling, cussing, Flareon hitting his desk lots of time over getting snipe alot and Vaporeon chewing sounds heard over course of the game made it really enjoyable even very compitionish too.
"Vaporeon where are you I can't find you AAAGH not again" Flareon yells at his character getting blown up by a nuke.
"I'm in my bedroom" Vaporeon said burping in the microphone.
"Ew, Gross"
Glaceon didn't understand where Vaporeon character could be and she was tied for first with Vaporeon, Leafeon and Flareon, one of them was going to win this competition and that Pokémon would be her.
"Come on Leafeon where are you...!" She gasps seeing her character get snipe from nowhere and slams a paw on her keyboard screaming loud words which even surprised Leafeon
"Glaceon I never knew you had such profanity"
She ignores Leafeon reply getting respawn in a different area on the map and sees Vaporeon character.
"There you are" she laughs evilly and proceeds for her character to Charge vaporeons only for it to step on a landmine and blow up.
She slams a paw on the desk while hearing Flareon scream words out as well hearing a glass shatter across the hallway.
"Flareon did you just break something?" Leafeon ask holding back her laugh with a paw to her mouth.
"Broke the damn lamp next to my night stand" He mumbles as his character responds next to Vaporeons characters "mwahahahaha, at last prepare too...!"
His character gets snipe faraway by Leafeon character and just in the nick of time for the timer to run out.
The final results were in:
Leafeon in first place
Glaceon in second place
Vaporeon in third place
And finally, Flareon in Last place.
"I won hooray" Leafeon cheers over the mic screaming very happily
Glaceon lowers her head in defeat sighing, a defeat by Leafeon how could this be.
Vaporeon facepaws himself and slides off his chair in defeat.
"How could this beeeeeeee" he said in defeat pretending to make an explosion sound with his mouth.
Last place...Last Place....LAST PLACE.
This couldn't be happening, him the king of the gamers amongst the rest of the Eeveelutions together...lost to Leafeon. He faceplants on the keyboard as memories of him, not beating world records and Leafeon cutting the power off to his bedroom that one time, start returning.
He took deep breaths trying to hold back his anger but another memory of Eevee unplugging his computer, that one came flooding back and he couldn't take it anymore.
Lifting his head and paws up, he brings them down onto the keyboard.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOO, HOW IN ARCEUS NAME COULD I LOSE TO LEAFEON, I WAS SO CLOSE SO DAMN CLOSE" he screams smashing the keyboard to pieces as the typing keys fly off in different directions before slamming the keyboard onto the desk and slams his face onto the desk as well sobbing away at defeat.
FanfictionAlways wonder what the Eeveelutions are up too well take a look and find out.