Waterslide Pt. 6

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It's been three hours since Leafeon heard anything in the house and she slowly pokes her head out while Vaporeon reaches with a paw stroking her tail since it brush along his face. She could hear a giggle behind and gets into the hallway

Looking both way making sure the coast is clear the other Eeveelutions weren't around except Eevee who saw Leafeon and runs over to her happily.

"Hi Leafeon" he chirp happily nuzzling Leafeon nose only to receive a few kisses to the face plus a hug in her paws.

"Noooo why mmmmm must you mmmmph give me mmmph kissy faces mmmmph" he pouted cutely for Eevee a cute adorable fuzzball even when creating trouble.

"Cause your so cute"

She hugs him closer while Eevee starts to return the hug as Vaporeon exits his room too lick Eevee face.

"Noooo mmmmph Vaporeon why mmmph"

"I'm here to save you from the kissy attack" he stated proudly and licks Eevee face some more.

A smile forms on Leafeon lips and she begins to kiss Vaporeon face too interrupt his cleaning

"No I refuse to go down"

His tail wagging, he tackles Leafeon who holds onto Eevee and the two of them roll around together down the hallway over to the stairwell as Eevee trapped in between.

"Leafeon, Vaporeon let me go" he whined squirming to get free

He squirms alot to get free from the two since he could hear something that sounds like running water  on the stairwell.

"Surrender to me Vaporeon" Leafeon laughed

"Never" Vaporeon laughs back.

As they got near the stairwell Eevee manage to wiggle free just in time to hear Leafeon scream since she starts tumbling down the stairs with Vaporeon laying at the top of the stairs.

"My indoor waterslide idea, it work?"

Back in the living room Sylveon was waiting for Umbreon since he was in the kitchen getting sandwiches for the two.

She couldn't get her mind off of what they did in the closet together and it definitely made her blush alot making her want to keep Umbreon closer to her.

A sudden scream is heard on the stairwell and she looks around too see Leafeon tumbling down the stairs.


Getting up quickly from the couch, she makes a dash over to catch her friend so she doesn't get hurt.

"Vaporeon help me" Leafeon cried out

"Sylveon to the rescue" Sylveon said reaching the stairwell and stands on her two hind paws to catch Leafeon but instead the grass type crashes into her at the bottom of the stairs.

Their heads knock into each other knocking the two of them unconscious.

Umbreon pokes his head around the corner to see Sylveon unconscious on her back and Leafeon laying on top of her unconscious as well.

He uses psychic to move the two female Eeveelutions out of the way before heading back over to the couch to read the newspaper unaware of Vaporeon wagging his tail watching Umbreon as Eevee runs back to his bedroom

"Everyone on the stairwell unconscious meaning my waterslide work, alright oh Umbreon" he called out to his friend unaware of what's about to happen when he slides down the stairs.

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