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We have a case, on the beach, and I don't know if I can do it. After I almost drown saving Morgan, I've been afraid of water and I could manage it because we weren't close to water much, but today I don't how to stay calm. I don't want anybody to know that because they're gonna think I'm super weak, so I'll just hope for the best.
"Okay, Torres, Bishop, you go this side and McGee and I this one." Ordered Gibbs.
"Okay no problem." Said both male agent.
I followed Nick looking for evidence until I felt really bad. I was having trouble to breathe and the world was spinning around me. Torres was talking to me but I didn't understand what he said, I couldn't.


I was talking to Bishop when she stopped walking.
"El.?" I asked walking to her. "Ellie what's up?" She was breathing really hard. "Ellie look at me!" She shook her head a little and continued to walk without any explaination. "El.? You're okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."
"You su-"
We heard gunshots and ran behind a rock who was right above the water.


"Do you see him?" I asked.
"No, I don't know where he is." Torres answered.
We heard a new gunshot and I avoid it. But for that, I had to jump into the water.
I was sure I could go pass my fear if it means that I'm alive, but I was wrong.
The water was cold, it was dark, I felt like I was trapped, I couldn't move. I was sure I won't make it.


As Ellie jumped into the water, Gibbs shot the guy. I screamed her name but I couldn't see anything under the water.
"Torres!? You okay? Where's Bishop?"
"Uh- she jumped into the water to- to avoid the bullet I- I can't see her."
"Calm down she can swim, you know that." Said McGee.
"I know but she wasn't great earlier, She- she couldn't breathe and was acting really weird."
"We'll find her don't worry."
"I have to go!" I said running to the water.
"Torres!" Screamed Gibbs.
I found her under water unconscious and I carried her onto the beach.
"She's unconscious and cold as hell call 911!" I said looking for her pulse.
I started CPR to get the water out of her lungs. I could feel her ribs breaking under my finger but I had to continue, I didn't have a choice, I couldn't live without her.
She coughed the water out and came back conscious.
"Hey, hey, hey, you're okay, it's okay, it's over." She was shaking so bad even with the jackets we gave her. She was also crying so I just hugged her until the paramedics arrived.
"Shh... it's okay Ellie, you're safe, I'm here..."
"Nick?" She said with a really little voice.
"Yeah?" I said still huging her really tight.
"I can't breathe and it hurts, you- you're holding me to tightly."
"Oh I'm sorry I just love you so much I was so scared." Shit!
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to tell you that I-"
"I love you too Nick."
Oh my god yay!!
I kissed her and the paramedics arrived, she's all better now and talking to Jack for her fear.

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