So many questions

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My head was pounding so hard that it caused ringing in my ears. The pressure has caused the throbbing to start at my temples all the way to the back of my neck.

Groaning I forced my eyes open to see i was in the nurses office. The bed next to mine had someone there; their back was facing me so I wasnt bale to see exactly who they were.

Sitting up I held my head to see if that can help with the pressure, but sadly it didnt do anything.

"Damn my head.." I whispered.

The curtains pulled open to reveal Recovery Girl with a small smile on her face.

"My my why arent I surprised to see you here again deary." The older women soon gave me a giant kiss on the cheek; the headache quickly subsided but the pressure was still there.

"Ahh grandma thanks a lot!" My tone slightly more uplifting as I spoke the little nickname in Perfect English. "You saved me again" We both gave a small chuckle

"G-Grandma?" A timid voice came from the bed beside me. My body froze when it dawned to me who it was

"So what? I can call her grandma in English if I want too got a problem?' I spat at the green haired boy.

His face immediately goes red as he frantically shook his head "N-No! Thats not what I mean..."

"Calm down there child. This young man stood by you to make sure you were alright. That handsome butler of yours got called in a meeting with the principle and he offered to stay with you"

My eyes widen while hearing Recovery Girl; 'He took the time out to make sure I was okay?' Why would he do such a thing

Gripping the sheets I looked away. Guilt washed over me -I just gave attitude when he was only looking out for me. That wasnt very nice of me...even if I dont like him at the moment that doesnt give me the right to be that way

"I'm sorry for snapping like that. Thank you for watching over me it's very appreciated. Well if you'll excuse me I am going to find Sebastian so we can head home"

Without hearing what he has to say I got up and walked out. I decided to head to the classroom to gather my things. On the way their my heart began to pound while my stomach gave me those butterfly feelings.

I dont know why I feel so guilty whenever I talk to him.. Its getting frustrating.

Upon reaching the class I quickly noticed my stuff was missing? Maybe Sebs took it? But that was quickly shot down when I saw a note on top of my desk.

'I am being called into a meeting with the principle. I will be late so please dont wait up for me Mistress. I will get home as soon as I can to make dinner. -love Sebastian<3'

Pouting I just started to head home. Where was my stuff? He didn't say he had it in the note? But he usually carries that for me?

"Ahh I hope I didn't lose it! I had cookies in there" My voice low and sad; it was favorite flavor too! The disappointment!

Upon reaching the front gate I noticed my bag was laying on the ground! How in the world did it get out here?! Rushing over I went to scoop it up but a pair of  hands grabbed my wrist before I can do anything

"It finally took you long enough weird eyes" A pair of angry crimson eyes glared at me.

Blushing slightly I tried to yank my arms away "Well excuse me some of us needed rest. You're probably too angry all the time to even notice" My tongue stuck out to tease the boy

His grip tightened; not enough to bruise me but enough to make a warning. "Listen here dipshit I could've just left your sorry ass and let you walk home alone! Be grateful I am blessing you with my presence!!"

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