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Well, I know you don't remember most of the things from our story, but I know, you would definitely remember this one. Uff pabo.... The kiss drama on the showcase day. I remember very well how you and me planned this particular kiss for Jinnie and Stella. Haha!!! Remember how many lies did I need to tell to the security guards on the school gate to let us go inside, and in the end, you also joined them to the second floor. But why didn't you tell me anything about that incident when you returned before them? Now I know why. You know, Jinnie returned that day from the building just after you left, before Stella, and the first thing he asked me was about you. He told me that he shouted on you and that is why you left before them. I informed him immediately that you left and he was shocked. He was the one who told me how much you struggled to let them have their own time and how you got in trouble instead. And yet, the kiss never took place. Why?!?!? Because Jinnie realised his mistake and ran behind you by the time you left. Well I was happy about something then. That because of all this drama, you didn't get a chance to do anything with RiAh. I know this is evil, but my immortal spirit was happy because of the fact that you didn't spent your quality time with RiAh but with me.

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