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Harry's POV:

March 7th

I didn't want to be out tonight. But then again, it didn't take much convincing from Josh to get me out of the house and on the path to the local bar I spent a lot of time in. Often Josh, Drake and I would go there to run the gambling ring I started a few years back. And today was no different.

Midnight hit the town pretty quickly. Street lights do their best to luminate the empty streets and the sky is darker than the depths of the ocean, but it was just the way I like it; it covered up the majority of flaws I had tucked deep within me. The path to the bar is easy to follow, the walk there being like second nature to me. And soon enough, I arrive and the gambling begins, with me losing a ton of my bastard dad's scummy money.

The gambling lasts a few hours, thanks to the accompanied drinking. By the time I leave, the sun starts rising and the busyness of people's busy lives begins to become a burden once again. I stumble a bit, losing my footing as I hit the wall to my left. There, I see 2 hooded figures towering over a blonde, letterman-jacket jock who's in the most pathetic fetus position I've seen from someone my age.

One of the guys kicks him, with the blonde guy's head tilting up in pain, but no noise comes out. I quickly notice a black cloth in his mouth. Of course no noise comes out, I think deliriously as I struggle to straighten my posture. He's fucking gagged.

The other watches, clearly bored from his lack of concentration. My head spins rapidly all of a sudden, and I drop to the floor. Somehow, they don't realize I'm there, their focus primarily on the weeping jock. The bored guy then pulls out something from his black sleeve and it takes me a moment to truly see what object was pulled out. But when I do, I get up fast, knowing I should leave but also wanting to stay and see the outcome.

The knife glittered in the dawn, long and sharp and dangerous. I can hear muffled pleads coming from the poor jock, but his efforts for help only gets him a kick in the stomach. From the shaking of the blonde guy's shoulders, I know he's crying. Not only that - he's yowling, his ragged sobs for mercy taking up the last of his energy.

As quickly as the knife was pulled out, it's inserted into the boy's skull. He goes limp and the hooded figure that had just done this complains as he tries to get the knife out. His accomplice ushers him to hurry up, looking around to see if the coast is clear. And then turns to stare right in my face.

I try not to look intimidated, keeping the same nonchalant look I keep around others. It seems to work for a moment before he nudges his buddy and both look at me inquisitively.

The murderer yells, "oi! What the fuck do you think you're doing here, kid--"

But before they can come closer to me, blue and red lights come closer as sirens blast through the quiet area. The 2 hooded figures scramble, and I do my best to get away in my intoxicated state, managing to get a glimpse of the disfigured corpse on my way out.

Later, at home, I pull out the old notebook that my older sister suggested to use as a 'diary'. I write everything, knowing I'd lash out and cause more trouble if I didn't get my emotions out on paper. I'm not the best writer - hell, I don't give a fuck about dumb crap like writing things, especially my 'emotions'.

But, I know it's better that I write it all down instead of carrying the bare burden alone that I had just witnessed the murder of a 17-year-old.


Lindsay's POV:

March 19th

It was around 5:30 and I and I had just finished unpacking all my furniture and clothing. We started at 5 in the morning today. I sighed deeply and looked around my room from the door. There was much more space as this house and room were both twice the size of my old room and old house. It was a gorgeous house but my room was quite empty, hopefully it'll be filled by the time I finish my senior year.

"Lindsay! Come down, we're going out for dinner!" I hear my mother's loud voice echo throughout the house and smile at her accent. She moved to America when she was 21 and pregnant with me but her accent has never changed.

I made my way down the stairs and a strong pang hit my chest as I was shot with memories of Greendale. Memories and guilt filled me and I closed my eyes tightly, taking in deep breathes.

It wasn't my fault.

It was a mistake.

I was in too much shock to do anything.

But regardless of whatever I said, I still felt like an evil person.

I'm interrupted by my mother's voice once again and I hurry down the stairs, giving my dad a high five after telling him I had finished my unpacking and I was now free to relax the whole weekend.

I grabbed my blue sweatshirt and pulled it over my tank-top and shorts as we made our way to the car, my little brother; Ethan excited at the fact that we were having pizza rushed to the car before my dad even had the chance of unlocking the doors.

As we entered the car, my dad began to ask us about school, the guilty thoughts once again clouding my mind at the mention of it as Ethan went about how excited he was to make new friends and meet her new teachers.

"Lindsay, sweetie?" My fathers concerned voice pulled me out of my scary thoughts as he looked at me through the car mirror. I gave him a reassuring smile and nodded at him. "Yes, I'm very excited for school."

My dad gave me a weird look before proceeding to talk with my mother and I smile at the two, remembering the times when my mother would tell me bedtime stories of how they met.

"Daddy was visiting the Philippines for a month, and I tell you sweetie, it was love at first sight. We hung out every day of his visit until he had to go, and a month after he left I had found out I was pregnant with you" She tapped my nose as I giggled loudly. "I had called daddy and told him about it and he bought me a ticket to America, where we raised you." I looked at her with my head tilted. "But mommy, weren't you sad to leave mama and pops?" My mother had nodded, running her hand through my hair. "Of course I was, but I needed to be with the person I love because we were having an adorable little baby, You. And It has been the best choice I have ever made. Now get some sleep Lindsay, its way past your bedtime."

"Lindsay! Stop zoning out so we can eat pizza" My brother has shaken me, a desperate look in his eye as I let out a low chuckle and unbuckled my seatbelt, exiting the car with his hand in mine as we made our way to the door, entering to see my parents already ordering a pizza for us and I let go of Ethan's hand, allowing him to run over to the couple as I took in their appearance.

My mother; Emily, had pin straight black hair and brown eyes, she was dressed in jeans and a tee shirt, pairing her outfit with some sandals as she held my father's hand; Earl, who had blonde hair and big brown eyes. My father kept in shape because he "didn't want a beer belly when he was 40". He had on black jeans with a plain grey hoodie as he held Ethan to his side who was the spitting image of his father with his blonde hair and big brown eyes, whereas I looked like my mother with big brown eyes and pin straight black hair, though I took some features from my father's mother; her freckles and natural blush.

I watch as they move to a booth by a window with our pizza and I join them, forgetting about the incident that had occurred in Greendale as I stuffed my mouth with pizza and my parents went on about fun trips they went on before they had us, telling them it'd be fun to go again but with us.


After we had finished our pizza my mother had driven us back home to get Ethan ready for bed and unpack his clothes for him as he slept. Knowing that the next morning i'd go shopping for some more clothes and furniture I decided to head to bed as well, letting the dark thoughts fill my mind as I slept.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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