Chapter 1

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        This time there is no backstory, my story was supposed to end after Gaia faded. But alas here I am again. My name is Percy Jackson, and here is the story of how I got stuck on this blasted island.

       After the war, here we are, after a long fought battle after I lost my memory and fell into the literal pit of hell we were in the blasted elevator. The difference this time was the Eeriness of no music. Annabeth and I grip each others hand, both of us had a new intense fear of elevators, for a good reason of course.

       Little did I know, this might be the last time Annabeth and I would hold hands for a long time.

       Leo was still missing, launched off to who knows where. Everyone thinks he is dead but my instincts tell me otherwise. The 9 of us shuffle off of the elevator, Annabeth and I run off first pushing everyone out of the way.

       "Sorry guys," Everyone, except for Nico looks at Annabeth and I weird, Annabeth continues "Elevators, oddly stuffy and suffocating." I sheepishly rub the back of my neck, still holding on to Annabeth hand, who seemed to be shaking.

       We all walk towards the golden doors of the throne room, every minor god and goddess bowing before us. I knew what the gods were going to bestow upon me, just as the last time I will be rejecting that request.

       "Percy," Jason, who is by my other side waved his hand over my face, "Wake up dude, we made it."

       I shook my head back and forth, blinking as we walk into the throne room. My eyes are met with 14 large figures, 14 large thrones and a hearth in the center. Hestia nods her head at me in respect, I smile at her and nod my head back.

       "Heroes step forward!" Zeus boomed through the whole throne room, the walls shook slightly as thunder boomed outside. "We present you with gifts for fighting our war!"

       Annabeth and Hazel both nudge my sides to keep me from saying something I would regret, of course it wouldn't be the first time. Poseidon catches my eyes, the large goofy smile that mirrors mine flashes across his face, the scent of the sea wafts across my nose making me feel at home and relax slightly.

       "Warriors, thank you for all you have done for Olympus, we are greatly in debt to you, for we have chosen the greatest of gifts for each of you., Zeus, who of course had to open his big mouth again, roared as we stepped closer towards the gods, "We have decided to grant all of you with immortality and bestowed upon you by the fates to make you all minor gods."

       Without much choice, or even a second to oppose, we all glowed in a bright golden light. Soon I felt stronger, a few gasps were heard around me as the other demigods were also closed in a light. I tried to fight it, but I could feel some of my features changing, I was stronger, left faster, my mind was racing as if my ADHD and Dyslexia were gone. 

       Soon the light was gone, I was standing on the cold marble floors again, I took a deep breath, "What did you just do?" I spat at the gods. 

       "Perseus Jackson, you denied being immortal once, we couldn't take the chance of you saying no again," Before I could respond Zeus continues, "You should be grateful, all of you have enhanced your senses, no more ADHD, Dyslexia or magical burning stick holding your fate. You shall now live forever."

       Annabeth placed her hand on my arm, Jason and Piper were now holding each other. Of course, they along with Frank and Hazel were as happy as can be. Reyna, Annabeth, Nico, Will and I... Not so much.

       "How could you?" Nico spoke up above the rest of us, the happy couples looked confused. "Of course some of us wouldn't understand, but I know several of us would not wish for this in our whole life time." 

       Will held Nico back, I met his eyes and took a breath, " So many of my friends, family and love ones who are now gone. I will never be able to see them again..." Annabeth held be back just like Will was to Nico, Reyna stood by my side, nodding her head and agreeing with me. "First you grant me immortality and I opposed for the same reason I would've now. Leo isn't even here, you know why? Because you all are too selfish to release the sons and daughters of titans who are peaceful, Leo Valdez son of Hephaestus is out there somewhere looking for Calypso who I specifically asked for you to take off of her island last war I fought for you."

       I took a few deep breaths.  Some of the gods looked at me with sadness and regret, such as Apollo, Aphrodite, Hestia, Artemis, Hermes, Hades and even my own father. It was clear this was all Zeus' decision. "You are so dim witted that you wouldn't even take into consideration how your own children feel." 

       With rage in his eyes, nearly fire burning in his blue eyes, Zeus stands, "Demigod, Perseus Jackson, we have bestowed upon you the greatest gift known. you stand here before your gods and belittle us. No more." Zeus turns to Athens, the very mother of the girl I love.

       Athens has some regret in her eyes, but stands and speaks anyways, "Percy Jackson, you ask us about Calypso, but I deem it only fair, if she comes off the island with Leo Valdez, someone will have to replace her." Annabeth and a few other start towards me, Athena looks me directly in the eyes, "From now on, until the fates deem otherwise, you Perseus Jackson will now suffer the same fate in replacing Calypso on her island." 

       "NO!" Annabeth and a few other of my friends scream, before I could even reach out or say a word. Zeus life his bolt towards me, I disappear.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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