Part 1

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I woke up in my room as usual, ready to start my boring day. I got up, walked to the window and took a deep breath while looking at the beautiful sky. Watching the birds fly freely made me realize how unlucky I'm 'why can't I be like them?'. Suddenly I heard a soft knock on the door making me snap back to the reality. I opened the door and there stood my only friend my caretaker rosario whom I'm allowed to meet.

Rosario: "Hello dear, your mum is calling you downstairs for breakfast"
'ughhhh whyyyy'
Y/N: "Tell her that I'll be coming in 20 min"
Rosario: "Ok, I'll be get going now"
After Rosario left I dressed up, brushed my teeth and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

At Breakfast:

Mom: "Good morning dear! hope you slept well."

I rolled my eyes and said
Y/N: "How could I sleep well in this cage?"

Mom: "Eat your breakfast after this you have to attend your online class"

Y/N: "Yah yah I know"

I quickly ate my breakfast and went inside my room to attend the stupid class. After the class finished I just watched some Netflix shows. I was so bored so I called

Rosario: "Hey dear! why did you called me? Do you need anything?"

Y/N: "No, I'm fine. I was just bored"

Rosario: "Do you wanna eat something?"

Y/N: "No, I'm good....Rosario, why am I like this?"

Rosario: "like what?"

Y/N: "Why am I stuck in this house? I want to go outside like normal people. I want to live freely"

A tear escaped from my eye. Rosario
wiped the tear.

Rosario: "It's for your own good, If you'll go outside you'll die. If wanna stay alive than you have to stay inside the house."

Y/N: "I prefer dying rather than staying in this cage. Rosario can you please leave I want some time alone"

Rosario: "Ok I'll get going than. Call me if you need anything"

I have no one with whom I can share all my thoughts. I have no friends. I do have Rosario but she's old. I can't share anything with her. And my mom, she's only home at night. Ughhh God why me??? After starting at sky for quite a while, I started writing my thoughts in my diary aka my best friend.

30 minutes later ~

I just completed writing in my diary, I felt a bit hungry so I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I ate some fruits, came back to my room and drifted off to sleep

Jungkook pov~

'Finally im transferred to Seoul im really gonna miss eomma and appa'

I got a mail from bighit a week ago that i passed my audition and now i can be a trainee under the company!! And now here i am in the center of streets of Seoul trying to find my apartment.

15 min later~

Ahhh i reached my apartment and i threw myself on the bed since i was so tired because of the journey its a long way from Busan to seoul. I saw the window and duhh!! i thought there would be a beautiful view but there is an other window hmm i hope i can make good friends with who ever lives there. Ok now lets take a quick bath. i took a bath and drifted into my dream world

A bird in a cage Where stories live. Discover now