|1 Water, Jisung's - Oh Wait Nevermind

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Body jittering with excitement the honey haired male made his way towards the portkey; a carved wooden statue of a phoenix, feathers salt stained from the billowing tides of wind and ocean water. Wind ripped through his hair, the clawing fingers fluttered his jacket like a newborn Hippogriffs wings stretching. Silver and emerald lined his neck in a well worn knitted scarf, parts of the fabric scratchy with burrs and dried pieces of hay and grass that had weaved their way into the soft plush fabric over the years. Cracked leather lace-up boots hugged his calves and the gray pants that went along with his house uniform. Of course he wasn't wearing the entire uniform as he found it suffocating.

Whiskey eyes shimmering with elation, he was finally able to return to Hogwarts.

Three years

Jaemin has been away from his friends for three long years. Each year a time capsule for his adventures across the globe Friends and beasts alike he has met, some good experiences...others not so much. Startled from his thoughts by the feeling of a smooth and cool beak pressing against his wind-bitten cheeks. "Yes, I know we'll get going. Settle in before I grab the portkey." Eyes glancing down at the feathered creature resting on his shoulder he met large gold eyes peering up at him.

Pulling open the front pocket of his jacket he watched as the occamy jumped into the air before diving down shrinking into a tiny string of shimmering feathers of teal, blue and purple. Tucking his chin in, the blonde boy smiled softly seeing two glowing golden eyes peering up at him from the dark depths of the pocket. Reaching down he brushed the pad of his pointer finger against the smooth feathers, a tiny warbled cry of content reached his ears before it was swept away on the ocean breeze.

Sparing one last glance to the vast deep blue ocean before him Jaemin reached down wrapping his calloused palms around the phoenix statue. The carved eyes glowed a bright red before the world began to spin around them. A vortex opened throwing him and his trunk through the air. The colors of the landscape blended together in a mirage of cool and pale shades of blue, green, gray and brown before he clenched his eyes shut. Feet sweeping from the sand scattered grass Jaemin let out a small yelp from the tingling that run up his arm holding onto the statue.

His fingers started slipping causing a lump of panic to rise in his throat, the hair on the back of his neck raising to stand on edge. Eyes shooting open Jaemin watched the blur of colors that made up the scenery and image of Hogwarts. The tips of his fingers slipped away as he air walked down to the ground. Feet resting against the ground, a thump and crunch of gravel helped ground his brain.

Looking at the towering ecru brown castle the smallest hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. Images of when he first arrived at the castle with his small group of chaotic friends. The moon and stars hung in the sky twinkling with anticipation as the first years waddled along the pathway up towards the dark gates, braziers of fire of all colors lit up the path. Just like his first arrival to Hogwarts, Jaemin proceeded to waddle his way up the path, lugging his dark purple trunk behind him.

The occamy that had been in his pocket peeked out at him it's little golden eyes shining to see new surroundings that wasn't the icey and cold ocean breeze, the crashing waves startled the small serpent-like creature.

"Welcome to my home, buddy." Jaemin grinned as the occamy slithered out of the pocket and onto his shoulder, tail gently wrapping around his neck.


A younger Slytherin student had taken Jaemin's trunk down to the Slytherin dorms while the prefect changed into his robes. Grimacing at the feeling of the slightly dusty robes rubbing against his skin the young honey haired male walked through the halls, passing under tan stone archways.

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