|3 'Classy' Teaching Style

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"Now all you who haven't taken this class need to stroke the spine of the book if you want to open it without it wanting to eat you. What? Don't give me those looks, just do it." Jaemin announces to the class as the group of students and the two teachers moved further into a section of the dark forest.

Many of the students thought Jaemin as strange and outrageous for his behavior. Jisung on the other hand thought of him as someone who demands respect, the older male has the air of serenity about him. The Gryffindor silently watched him while the blonde pointed accusing fingers at some of the younger years.

Smiling softly to himself Jisung glances down to the Book of Monsters in his arms, fingers absentmindedly brushing a pattern along it's spine. Both the book and the cerulean and purple Occamy curled around his shoulders purred. The slight chilly breeze pushed against the gathered group of bodies. Tree creaked and swayed slightly, they however seemed less foreboding than the rest of the dark forest. There was no aura of evil intent lurking in the branches of rusting pine needles.

"Your friend is very caring isn't he. Do you have a name little Occamy friend?" The ravenette's voice was a soft coo towards the winged serpent perched on his shoulders. His deep brown eyes offering comfort and safety to the creature.

You see, Jaemin had attempted to pull the normal-sized Occamy from its perch among Jisung's strong shoulders; however, he was met with a snapping beak and unhappy warble. Shock evident within the whiskey eyes, the younger offered a spluttered apology. Even the young boy was confused.

Reading about the many different magical creatures was one of Jisung's pass times. He's only seen moving drawings within the pages of New Scamander's book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them — this was a personal favorite but he felt there wasn't enough information about each creature. Throughout the years Jisung has spent at Hogwarts he's dug around the library in search of more in-depth books cataloging each creature. To his dismay there were hundreds of book with in-depth description on how to slay many of these wonderful creatures.

High pitched warbles along with a cool beak rubbed against his neck. The human apologized to the creature for not paying attention. Golden eyes met his own, seeming to communicate the answers to his questions from the simple eye contact. "I take it you don't have a name then? Perhaps you would like one or is that not apart of Jaemin's ways?"

The Occamy warbled a sound of agreement before winding its way down his body, the thin serpent body squeezing Jisung's waist in something like a hug before settling itself on his shoulders once more. The young man giggled to himself from the silly feeling.

"Jisung, c'mere an show the class the creature ye've got on your shoulder." Hagrid called to him, voice carrying over the heads of the students standing around. Once his name was said almost all of them turned to him with curious eyes, each having a Book of Monsters that squirmed unhappily in the tight holds.

Ducking his head down the Gryffindor walked to the front of the class, hands tightly clutching the sentient book in his arms. The book itself let out a noise of anger causing Jisung to let out an apology with flushed cheeks, fingers gently petting against the fur on the book.

With pink cheeks and glassy eyes Jisung waited for the next instructions from Hagrid. The wind blew past him with a cool hand in an attempt to lower the rising heat within the boy. Embarrassment was clear on his face when the Occamy rose up with it's head resting atop Jisung's head, it's eyes narrowed at the crowd.

"Okay, so today you all will be learning about the Occamy! Turn to page 315, also don't hold your books so tight, they seriously hate that you little pricks!" Jaemin shouted stalking over to Jisung to throw a friendly arm around his shoulder. The sudden presence of an arm pressing against the Occamy's body the creature turned and glared at him. The whiskey eyed male only narrowed his eyes and stuck his tongue out.

The ravenette watched the two interact from the corner of his eye, a hand coming up to cover his smile. His eyes crinkled at the corner small laughs left him after his poor attempt to cover up the sound. Upon hearing the muffled laugh Jaemin whipped his whiskey eyes towards him boring into his soul.

Many students grumbled as they shifted around on their feet watching the magic-less male lean into Jisung's side with a silly grin. The wind picked up, pushing the robes around in an aggressive manner. The Occamy warbled angrily from the cold breeze, sliding over to Jaemins shoulder when the blonde clicked his tongue. "Come here baby."

Jaemin removed his arm from around Jisung's shoulder causing the latter to shiver from the sudden coldness against his upper back. He smiled softly watching the Slytherin Prefect pacing up and down the line of students who watched him with a mixture of expressions. A few had glares and disgusted looks while watching him -- clear evidence that they had heard the rumors about the infamous Na family and it's disgrace of an heir 'Na Jaemin'. Others looked excited their eyes sparkling as they watched him halt and smile his signature smile.

"Now, to start off the lesson let's go over the simple things about the Occamy." Jaemin turned around with a gentle coo to the Occamy as he gestured for it go to the forest floor. Begrudgingly the serpent glided down his arm to perch itself on the ground next to Jisung before it looked up at him. Its golden eyes glittered from the sun peering through the clouds casting yellow beams of sunlight.

One student raised their hand after glancing down at their Book of Monsters "Yes, you there what's the first basic thing about Occamy's in the book." Jaemin point at the girl with a small smile, he glanced back at Jisung to notice the younger hadn't opened the Book of Monsters.

Interest piqued by the shy young boy, Jaemin made sure to keep an eye on him throughout the class.

"They can grow to fit any space they're in." The girl answered, eyes trained on the pages in front of her.

The whiskey-eyed boy nodded in affirmation, his scarred hands were held behind his back like a professor. "Correct, now for demonstration." Glancing towards his Occamy Jaemin gestured for it do it's little growing and shrinking thing.

Blue and purple feathers grew in size as the winged serpent grew in size, it was much larger than Jisung. Its head was bigger than half his body, the golden eyes massive as is peered down at the class before it. Jisung shifted his weight on his feet when the creature slithered over to him, the sound of the grass and dirt shuffled beneath its weight.

"Next question. Why are Occamy's considered to be dangerous creatures?" Jaemin questioned with a short glance in Jisung's direction, the sun hitting his features in a gentle caress.

Jisung raised his hand startling the Occamy -- of course Jisung being Jisung he quickly turned to it apologizing in a soft voice. Eyes trained on the swaying movements of the creature, the ravenette held a hand out, palm up for it to see he meant no harm. Ochre zipped through the golden iris' as it stared him down, sniffing his hand before letting out a warble.

Remembering that he had raised his hand, the ravenette stayed focused on the hesitant creature before him. "They're considered dangerous because their shells are made from pure silver, which means they are constantly hunted for their eggs even when they're young. From a young age they are always ready to fight and protect their nests. They're no different from other creatures, it's just not fair for them because they're constantly endangered." Jisung sucked in a breath before releasing it when the Occamy bumped its large head against his shoulder.

Unknown to the magical creature loving boy, he was getting a very fond look from none other than Jaemin. With a bright smile sent his way, the blonde Slytherin closed his personal journal of notes he had taken on the many magical creatures he met throughout his journey across the globe.

This took a bit longer than I expected to write, but it's here now! I hope you have a good day/night.

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