Announcement. :(

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Hey all you fabulous readers that I love all so much, (I would greatly appreciate you read this as it kind of is a big deal with the book and all)

You might be wondering where I've been, why there hasn't been an update in awhile, etc. etc. I could give you the long answer and drag this out, but I'm just going to summarize whats been going on lately.

Basically, I suffer from chronic migraine. I spend most of my day in bed, I've missed countless days of school, lost friends, missed funerals/births, missed holidays and birthday parties, everything you can imagine. I've tried everything under the sun, I've developed depression because of it, and I always worry about the future. I've felt like I have been to hell and back, but I haven't accomplished anything; I'm in constant pain all. the. time. I've been experiencing more migraines this past month than I have in awhile, and it's because of all these weather changes that go on during the fall and winter. Even though I love the cold and snow, it does horrible things for my brain. :( [p.s., I hope it doesn't sound like I'm complaining...I hate that. I'm just stating the facts.]

So anyway, I've just been having more trouble than usual trying to update, and I apologize greatly. You guys are truly almost 2,000 reads?!? that's CRAAAZY! This has been really amazing for me so far, and I hope you guys will stick around, as long as you can deal with me. ;)

The reason why I'm posting this, however, is because I'm being admitted into a headache hospital tomorrow morning. I don't think I will be able to update at all/very often for maybe 2 weeks, maybe shorter, maybe even longer. Agh, I know. I think I might take my computer, so I might try to think up a story or two, but I have no idea what it's going to be like in there. I can't give you any promises. Plus, I'm afraid it will be "headache Hannah" all the time, and Beth and her antics won't even cross my mind during the time.

I just want to thank you for reading, and apologize that I won't be updating in awhile. I'll delete this once I start updating again, soI can't wait to start up again and see all your lovely feedback that makes my day.

Love you all, and hope you have a great day, where ever you are:

~Hannah xx

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