Chapter 1: Quirks?

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No ones POV

"Agh!" Yachi fell into an office chair surrounded by the other boys Coach and Kiyoko. Wait... Office chair!? Where were they!? How had they gotten here!??!

"Is everyone okay?" Said Suga being the mom he was and helping everyone up.

"It looks like were in a meeting room." Said Iwazumi.

Just as Nezu and Eraserhead walked into the room, let me help you imagine what they saw, almost 20 teenagers, and a man in volleyball uniforms looking confused. They saw reminants of purple smoke and noticed that they all had neutral hair colors. And in a group of people this big, they all looked bland, you would usually have some idea of quick by appearance but these guys gave no hint of it.

"Umm Hi?"

~ After explaining cause im a lazy little shit ~

"So let me get this straight... you all just fell through a heap of purple smoke and ended up here?" Questioned Nezu. Eraserhead just signed and muttered somthing like 'you dont  pay me enough for this.'

"Y- Yes?" Coach Ukai was never one to stutter, but being asked questioned by a talking bear mouse creature in a suit claiming to be the principal would unnerve anyone with common sense.

"Well, we've certainly seen weirder. We dont expect that smoke to come back anytime soon, so we have spare dorms, are you okay with staying in those?"

"I guess-

"Woah woah woah, hold on, Coach you cant be serious, staying places with people we dont even know? We're being asked this by a talking bear for fucks sake. What will out parents think if were gone!? He said it himself that we dont know when were going back, i don't know about yours, but my parents would fucking flip there shit if I'm gone past my curfew. Let alone a couple of weeks!" Said Daichi obviously apposed to the idea.

"Daichi i-

"As much as you have a point, we have no control of when you go back, we are simply offering you a place to stay until the opportunity arises. We just want to ensure your safety. Besides I myself am a pro hero, this is the most profound hero school in the country, you are okay with us." Said Eraserhead, leaving the others stunned as he had not said a word during the whole encounter.

"Wait- Heros!? Are you guys delusional!? Hero's exist in comic books, and as much as there is a talking bear right in front of us, its probably a robot, heros and villains don't exist! Let alone superpowers, so i don't know what shit you guys are on, but Your not a hero." Yelled Oikawa

"Oh, you guys come from a quirkless universe is that so? Well let me explain-

"Oh cut the professional shit Nezu, let me explain and this will go way quicker. Guess what geinus, in this world, superpowers, heros and villains very much exist.  And Nezu is very real, he was an animal, but as of him getting a quirk that made him a genius, he has an above average IG among humans and runs the school wonderfully. Got that?"

"So your telling me superpowers exist and we landed in a superhuman world in an advanced school? It seems sketchy, even if your telling the truth, were gonna need to see proof. But i guess for now we dont have another option, do we?" Kiyoko spoke up for the first time.

"Correct. Now do you want the dorms or not?"

In less than another half hour they had keys in hand and were walking to the dorms. How did they let this happen? They  honestly didn't know, all they knew is, they were gonna be in a wild ride for all of them. And they were ready as they had ever been. And they got the sneaking suspicion, that the outcome of the next practice match, was no longer important. 

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