"Mr. Stark?" (Sick Tony)

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Download soundcloud! They have goood soundtracks. Not a sponsor. I just like the app.

If you have one, search 'musical chair'. From Bluechair (if you read Webtoon). I usually write this while listen to it.

Or Howls Moving Castle theme. That's good too.

But it's up to you!

Okay, so this might be a lil' confusing, because I don't write the 'POV', so to be simple. If it's Mr. Stark, it's Peter's. If it's Tony, it's third person.

I don't change into 'I' for Peter's.






The bell just rang, a sign that school is over. Teenagers are excited to go home and mind their own business. Peter is one of the excited teengers, because after school, he's going to the tower and work with his mentor/idol/father figure in the lab.

Peter ran to the main entrance and over there, as if Peter can see the future, a limo with an unhappy Happy sitting in there, shouting at Peter to hurry up.

"Hey Happy!" Peter said as he sat in the limo. Happy only grunted in reply and roll up the divider between front-sits and back-sits, so he don't have to hear Peter's rant. Peter is used to it, being ignored. Now he's using the time to do his homeworks and assignments.

"Sir, your temperature is currently 101°F (38.3°C). I suggest you take a rest while waiting for Spidey, sir." Friday suggested. "I'll take a nap. Wake me up when the kid is here." Tony yawned. He walked to the couch and slept there. Friday turn down the brightness to 40% and she isn't going to wake him up, knowing his health state, he should get some more rest.


"Thanks, Happy!" Peter thanked him. Happy ignored him again, driving away. Peter went in to the front door and was greeted by Friday. "Welcome back, Spidey." Friday spoke, so quietly only people who have super hearing could hear. "Hey, Friday. Why are you speaking so quiet?" Peter whispered. "Iron can is sleeping in the lab." Peter snickered at the nickname he gave for Mr. Stark.

He went inside the elevator, "Take me to his lab, please." Peter spoke quietly. The elevator went up and not a minute pass by, he's already in Mr. Stark's lab. Over there, he saw him sleeping peacefully on the couch. Peter of course took a picture of Mr. Stark sleeping. He was planning to give it as a Father's day present.

Peter walked towards him slowly to check on Mr. Stark. He's slightly shivering, so Peter went on a quest to find a blanket. A few minutes later, he found a thick, soft, fluffy blanket. "Perfect!" Peter muttered under his breath to himself. He went back and saw that Mr. Stark is still sleeping. He put the blanket all over him and went to work on his upgrades for his web-shooters as quiet as possible.


'Mr. Stark is still sleeping. That's unusual.' Peter is concerned about him. "Friday, do you know what's wrong with Mr. Stark?" Peter whispered. "Iron can has a fever. His temperature is 102.5°F (39.1°C). He also has dehydration, severe coughing, and a cold. I suggest giving him fluids." Friday informed softly.

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