"Lavender's blue..." (Midnight song)

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Alright, this is not PeterxLoki, this is just pure friendship.

It's 2 a.m. and Peter is still awake, scrolling through Pinterest. Why? Well, he quietly drank 3 redbulls for training earlier. But, ending up regretting drinking 3. 'Why did I drank 3? I should've drank 2 only.' He sighed in dissapointment.

Then, his sensitive ears picked up some noise. It's not a disturbing noise, in fact, it's a soft violin playing. Followed with a false note, and some cursing. 'I wonder who that is..' Peter got up from his bed. He followed the sound and found himself in an abandoned room. Inside, there's a grand piano right in the middle.

And there's Loki.

Playing a violin.

He looked very elegant, under the moonlight. The God of Mischief closed his eyes in concentration. It looks like he's playing a difficult piece. Reaching the ending, he slowed down the tempo and it ended perfectly. Loki opened his eyes and saw Peter on the doorway, standing awkwardly.

There's a minute of silence before Peter unlatched the piano's fallboard. He wiped the keyboards and sat on its bench. And then, he started playing an intro of a song. It clicked with Loki and he started to play too. Now, the lyrics came by...

(A/N: bold is Peter, italic is Loki, bold & italic is both)

Lavender's blue,
Dilly dilly,
Lavender's green.

When I am King,
Dilly dilly,
You shall be Queen.

Who told you so,
Dilly dilly,
Who told you so?

'Twas my own heart,
Dilly dilly,
That told me so.

As Peter played, the both of them are surprised of how good their voices are. Little did they knew, it could attract someone.

Call up your men,
Dilly dilly,
Set them to work.

Some to the plough,
Dilly dilly,
Some to the fork.

Some to make hay,
Dilly dilly,
Some to cut corn.

While you and I,
Dilly dilly,
Keep ourselves warm.

Loki and Peter looked at each other, stunned by how amazing the duet is. "Wow!" Peter mouthed as he kept playing the piano.

Lavender's green,
Dilly dilly,
Lavender's blue.

If you love me,
Dilly dilly,
I will love you.

Let the birds sing,
Dilly dilly,
Let the lambs play.

We shall be safe,
Dilly dilly,
Out of harm's way.

When Peter looked at the doorway, he saw some silhouettes. After that, it's gone, like nothing happened. There's a confused look on his face.

I love to dance,
Dilly dilly,
I love to sing.

When I am Queen,
Dilly dilly,
You'll be my King.

Who told me so,
Dilly dilly,
Who told me so?

I told myself,
Dilly dilly,
I told me so.

The song came to an end and it's followed with clapping. Peter jumped out of his seat and fell to the ground. While Loki flinched but then remain composed. "Don't do that! I almost got a heart attack!" Peter boomed. "Oh I'm sorry, kiddo. But that was perfect." Tony complimented. Loki walked to Peter and helped him get up. "Are you okay, young Peter?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." Peter brushed off some dust from his shirt. "That was amazing, маленький паук. You too, Loki. Didn't expect you two could sing." Nat piped up. The others started compliment them and the 2 of them blushed.

"This will be your own midnight song place. I'll clean it up tommorow." Tony said. And from now on, whenever they can't sleep, they play music together in the middle of the night.


Peter tip-toed slowly into their 'music room', and found Loki with some kazoos. "Mr. Loki? What are you doing with those kazoos?" Peter took one and pointed at it.

"Well, young Peter, earlier I've heard some midguardians playing this. It was amazing, so I tried to recreate it. And I need your help." The God explained.

"What song exactly?" Peter raised his eyebrow. "This." Loki took out a phone and played a video.

"That was breathtaking." Peter pretended to wipe a tear. "So, young Peter, will you help me recreate this masterpiece?" Loki handed the kid a kazoo. Peter took it and nodded, "Let's do this." An hour later, they got scolded by almost every Avengers because of how loud and annoying it was. "Worth a shot." Peter whispered into Loki's ear. Both of them then giggled like 2 kindergarten kids.

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