Meta Knight x Reader (It's... Heavy...)

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(Y/n) was skipping through the hall way. And since she met kirby, she felt that she's been lucky every time.

"Uaaaaghh...!!!!!" "H-Huh?"

(Y/n) heard someone.. Who's trying to.. Carry.. The 'Radiant hero' and the 'prince'...

"........ W-wh-.... You need help..?" "N-no...!! I-I'm f-f-fine..!!!!!!"

And with that he slowly went through the corridor.

"Oh hey (Y/n)!" "Whoaa! P-Pit!" "Did you met Meta Knight?"

'Meta knight'..?

".. You don't know? The guy who looked like kirby wearing a mask and carries Ike and Marth?" "... I saw him carrying them." "Oh.. Well me either.. Hahaha..." "So his name was Meta knight?" "Yep! He's good at using swords even he's little. When he was training, he met both of them training too!" "... To mention that, they're the same swordsmen.." "Yeah! That's why they became close and.. Like that." "Oh.." "Well I know it's awkward when they get past you but.. You'll get used to it since.. They always do that." "W-well I'll try to.. I guess." "Okay then! Next round is Meta Knight vs me vs Link vs Sheik so.. See ya later (Y/n)!"

And Pit flew away to the stadium. And.. He hit the lamp.

"... Haah.... Hehe, that was kinda funny."

~<on the stadium>~

Kirby went over to (Y/n) to see the fight. They sat together and watched as.. Link can't get any hit. (Y/n) knew that the people were holding their laugh since Link can't hit anyone. And after a few try, he finally hit Pit.

"I think Link can't reach them.. Meta Knight can fly and got 3 times getting them out of the stage so far... Pit can fly too and Link can't reach the both of them.. And Sheik is too fast and Link is not fast enough.. I guess this round is kinda unfair to Link.."

And with (Y/n) saying it, she saw Kirby nodding.

Meta Knight got Pit out of the stage again. And he got Link too.



"Hmph, this thing is easy..."

~<in the hall way (again)>~


Again. You saw them, AGAIN.


(Y/n) saw Ike making a peace sign to her and Marth being... ....... And with that the three of them went to through the corridor.

"........ Pfft.."

(Y/n) was trying to hold her laugher. And she went to her room and changed her clothes and slept to her bed.


"........ Nngh..."

(Y/n) woke up because of the knocking coming from the door.

"... Who is it..?"

She stood up from her bed and opened the door. ... But nothing was there.

"... Maybe it was nothing..."

And with that, she went up to her bed and slept again.

~<morning when the first round is going to start in two hours>~

"Good morning (Y/n)!" "O-Oh, good morning Pit. Geez.. You startled me for a sec there.." "Heheh, s-sorry. By the way! You are going to be in the first round so, good luck!" "Thanks."

And they went to the cafeteria where the fighters eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. When there's a party, it's going to be on the cafeteria too.

"... Say, Pit why does Meta Knight wears a mask?" "I dunno. Maybe he doesn't want someone to see his face or something."

~<after finishing the breakfast>~

"You're going now (Y/n)?" "Yeah." "Well I'll cheer for you then, good luck!"

(Y/n) stood up in front of the entrance of the stage.



(Y/n) waved the people that was around her that are cheering.



"3, 2, 1.... GO!!"

(Y/n) headed to Little Mac that was not moving an inch. She knew that he was going to bring his uppercut, but (Y/n) easily dodged and slash/shoot him.

"Gah!" "Gotcha."

(Y/n) kept him locked to get out of the stage. And she made the up smash to finish it.



After (Y/n) waved 'thank you' to the people, she went outside the stadium.

".... You're (Y/n)?" "? ... Meta Knight." "Yes, I am Meta Knight. ... I challenge you to a battle." "... Fine. But when?" "Tomorrow." "Alright then."

Then she shook hands with Meta Knight. She chuckled when she went all the way to her room.

"I'll beat you for sure.. Meta Knight."


I'm sorry for the late update! School came and I'm busy too. But I'll try to upload quick if I can. And I hope you enjoyed it. (I really loved the picture so I used it as a story.)

Super Smash Bros. (Various Characters) X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now