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Halloween was one of Ten's favorite holidays. The autumn leaves on the ground would crunch beneath the children's feet as they raced from house to house collecting candy. Decorations and carved pumpkins would lay out beautifully on people's lawns. Fear would consume you as you get jump-scared from a scary movie. All of that Ten loved. And, of course, his favorite part of it all: he and his friends would go to the annual Halloween Carnival in town. They would do all the activities: the haunted house, corn maze, balloon pop, ball toss, apple bobbing, everything. Ten always looked forward to this time of the year.

The doorbell rang as Ten had just brought down the extra blankets from upstairs. He plopped them down on the living room couch then walked to the front door in excitement.

Behind the door were Ten's closest friends, Kun, Winwin, Lucas, Xiaojun, Hendery, and Yangyang.

They greeted each other with big smiles. "Hey guys, I'm so glad you could make it. I've got tons of things for us to do to get into the Halloween spirit!" Ten chirped, while helping the others with their overnight bags.

"Ooh, can't wait to see what you've planned!" Kun said, looking forward to what the younger had in store.

Yangyang walked to the living room and sat on the arm of the couch. He scanned the room slowly, looking at the miscellaneous items on the floor. New bags of chips, a flashlight to tell scary stories in the dark with, a small box filled with classic horror movie DVDs, and a long rectangular box laying inside a plastic bag. Yangyang peered into the bag, his smile getting bigger as he read the words on the box. "You bought an Ouija board?!"

Before Ten could confirm, Lucas began to speak his thoughts. "Wait he did? Dude, I've always wanted to try one of those! I was going to buy one myself, but every store I went to either ran out or didn't sell any." He walked to the plastic bag and pulled the Ouija board out. He looked up and down the box with a grin on his face, excited to use it.

"Yes, I did get one. Though as Lucas said, it was hard to get my hands on it. I found this one at a thrift store."  Ten explained, while looking down at the box with Lucas.

The box's design looked different than other Ouija boards you would get from the store. It had this older, but fancier, look to it. The exterior appeared to be a bit faded in color and worn down. Hendery gave the box a single look from afar, looking quite hesitant to even be near that thing. "It looks kind of old," Hendery stated, his eyebrows furrowing while looking at the object. "I don't know if I want to use that-"

"Oh come on Hendery," Yangyang complained, "Nothing is gonna happen. It's just for fun!"

"Yeah, until ghosts emerge from that moving triangle piece and haunt us for the rest of our lives!!" Xiaojun said in an over-exaggerating tone, waving his hands in front of Hendery's face in an attempt to scare him. Hendery however didn't see this as funny, and he pushed the other's hand away and quietly cussed him out. Only one of them was left giggling.

"Uh, Xiaojun, that 'moving triangle piece' is called a planchette." Ten corrected.

"Yah, you know way too much about this stuff. I'm surprised you're looking forward to using that when you're usually the one getting scared the most and screaming the loudest." Winwin commented.

The others laughed. "You're not wrong. But I just love anything and everything scary, the feeling of not knowing what's gonna happen next seems to excite me."

"That's good for you I guess, but your scream hurts our ears." Yangyang dramatically says. The others laugh in agreement. Ten's shrieks do have the tendency to pierce the ears of others.

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