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That's all Ten could see. He tried to look around for an exit, but everything looked the same. He couldn't even tell if he was moving. He roamed aimlessly in the void. Soon enough, he hit a dead end. He felt around the object, and came to the conclusion that he was in the corner of some room. But where was the exit? He turned around with the intentions of finding it somewhere else, but he was suddenly filled with fear. The red glowing irises have returned, and they were staring blankly at Ten. He pushed himself into the corner trying to move away from the eyes as they came closer. It had no body, or perhaps it was too dark for Ten to see its figure. It walked to him, and the closer it got the more Ten felt scared. He would have been shaking like crazy, but his body was still and wouldn't let him move. The eyes stopped and stood before him, looking down at Ten.

"Wake up."


"...wake up Ten...Can you hear me?"

Ten opened his eyes immediately, looking around the room and taking in his surroundings, confused and sweaty.

"It's okay Ten, you just fainted." Kun explained. Ten tried to get up, but the other just lightly pushed him back onto the floor. "Don't get up yet, wait a bit until you're ok."

Ten listened, and continued to lay down on the floor for minute or two. His friends were around him, making sure that he was ok. No one spoke.

When Ten felt that it was time to sit up, Kun aided him and and led him to the couch. Lucas handed him a glass of water, which he sipped on slowly. He stared into the water, which was swaying back and forth a bit within the glass. He tried to piece his thoughts together.

"...I saw something in that cloud of smoke." He mumbled. His friends turn to him in curiosity.

"What... what do you mean?" Hendery asked. He was afraid to find out what Ten meant.

"There was a pair of eyes in the smoke. Red irises. The whites of its eyes were pitch black." He took a short pause to take a small sip of the water. "It was staring right at me... and then it vanished when the smoke went away..." a shiver went down his spine.

Yangyang, who was closest to the pile of blankets, took one and went up to Ten and wrapped him in it. Everyone patiently waited for him to continue. Ten cleared his throat before speaking again. "I...I saw it again when I fainted."

Winwin was the one to break the silence after Ten was done speaking. "Alright... how about, we all just go to bed? We all had a long night, and we're all tired. We can discuss this tomorrow."

"He's right. And maybe, those eyes you saw were just a hallucination?" Hendery wishfully thought. After everything that had just happened, he knew for a fact that whatever Ten saw was real. He just didn't want to believe it.

"I hope it was."


Sunday, Day 1

The next morning was quiet. They all had a hard time sleeping, and their day didn't really start until noon. None of them really ate much at breakfast either. After, they helped Ten clean up the house, but none dared to even enter the guest room. His friends left his home right after.

Ten laid on his couch in silence, with his hands rubbing his eyes in frustration. He would have to clean the guest room sooner or later, but he didn't want to end up fainting again if he saw something. What would he do if that smoke cloud came back?

After about 20 minutes of mental preparation, Ten slowly inched toward the guest room door. His hand rested on the door knob, and he took a few big breaths before entering. "Just put it back in the box and then put it in the garbage outside," he thought. "That's all I gotta do."

>He's A Demon< | JohnTenWhere stories live. Discover now