I:The Jostle

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Kim Gits creations 2020✓

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Kim Gits creations 2020✓

It's completely a work of fiction which can also be included in the world of angst and fanfiction. So please don't make unnecessary comments and go on reading.^^ Hope You'll have a nice journey all throughout. Don't forget to watch the teaser above!

Here you go....

Profession can be easier to handle
Than the one in case of passion
For it attracts all the more
And you deserve not less than a Grammy for that action


I was sitting at the passenger seat of my car with a thoughtful mind as I was supposed to deliver the file to dad which he had forgotten to seize before leaving for his office. So definitely I was in a hurry and I had ordered my driver to take as many shortcuts as he could to reach the office at the latest. The driver also by obeying my calls drove at his fastest reel. However after crossing a few turns, there was a sudden traffic jam which clogged the whole road.

I yelled out,"Urgh what's wrong with this road now!"

The driver checked out of the car on the pretext of looking for the cause of the congest.

I cracked my fingers as I waited eagerly for the driver to return. I was getting really annoyed now. I observed that most of the cars which were stuck at the spot were empty.

I wondered,"Why do they look so vacant? Are the owners out of their senses to park their vehicles in the middle of the roads?"

Soon I saw my driver walking up to the car at a quick pace.

On arriving near me, he said,"Madam,this road is totally blocked up. A squad of boys are performing their dance skills out there."

"Street dancers? But did they occupy the whole area for their stage purpose?" I said genuinely mixed with a little displeasure.

"Not exactly. It's not because of them that the road is hooked but their spectators. The crowd have gathered all over the road in order to enjoy their show," said the driver sarcastically.

I screeched,"Oh! This was to take place this very day! If I get late then dad... he'll definitely chastise me! Uncle you wait here. I'll clear up this mess and as soon as it's done, you pick me up from the front."

The driver nodded his head, confirming that he had understood every bit of what I commanded him to be done.

I stepped out of the car and commenced towards the huge lump of people in front.

On reaching there, I somehow managed to dig into the troop until I was standing just before the three skilled boys. One of the them did some acrobatics, another one was playing guitar while the third one was busy with his rap and dance moves.

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