7. Create an outline

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In the world of fiction writing, there's often said to be two kinds of writers: . Plotters, as you might have guessed, plan where their novel will go before they start writing. Pantsers will usually have a general idea of how their story will unfold, but will just sit down to write without doing any initial outlining.

If your end goal is writing and publishing a novel, we're suggesting you follow the ways of the plotter and create an outline. When you inevitably hit the writer's block that almost all writers face, your outline will act as a "get out of jail free" card — you can use it to remember what needs to come next. In any case, .

There are countless ways to outline a novel, but here are a few tried-and-true methods to consider:

Mind Map: Create a graph or some kind of visual representation of your plot points, characters, themes, conflicts, and chapters.Synopsis: A more detailed outline that briefly covers all of the major story elements over two or three pages : plot, characters, conflicts, and themes.The Beat Sheet: Document the beats of the story in shorthand. Each individual 'beat' should get a bullet or a number.The Skeleton: Just make notes of the key plot points. Think of it as a roadmap with only big-name destinations marked — how you get there is up to you.Characters First: Let your characters drive the outline by mapping out character development, character arcs, and character beats over planning of the plot. For advice on mapping out a character arc, .Scenes and Sequences: Just write the major scenes that need to occur and the order in which they unfold.

For more information on creating an outline — or for help determining which technique would best suit you — 

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