Chapter Nine

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Whatever was going on between my sister and my boyfriend is clearly over now. Mason has become extra romantic and attentive towards me over the past couple of days. Pretending that nothing is wrong is surprisingly easy. I am angry and I want to confront him and Lizzie, but we have a family get together back home in Malibu in a few days time. Everyone will be there, Lizzie, Henry, the nanny Sophie, our good family friend Joshua, Ruby, Charlie, Hannah, Adam, Cali, Adrianna, Josh and my parents. The last thing I want to do is make things awkward for everyone, especially my parents' friends, who are like family to me, they have done nothing wrong and I would hate for them to feel uncomfortable on my account. Mom and dad have also been extra with me recently, I'm not sure why, maybe they are realising that I am the black sheep of the family and they need to start paying a lot more attention to me. Well, they would be paying more attention to me if they found out that their precious Lizzie had an abortion a few weeks ago. She confided in me that she was pregnant and that herself and Henry would be unable to cope with a second baby. As far as I'm aware Henry has no clue and I know for a fact he would be absolutely devastated if he found out, he often talks about how much he wants a second baby. If he knew what she'd done he would never forgive her. I know the exact reason why she went through with it, she had no clue who the daddy was. The last thing she would want is to reveal her dirty little secret to Henry, can you imagine the fall out from that? My sister repulses me, but I just sat back and let her make her own decisions. At the end of the day she's the one who is going to have to live with her decision, to add insult to injury I've recently been told by my doctor that I have endometriosis like our mother. So my chances of becoming a mom one day are extremely low, as devastated as I am I can't dwell on it. My mom got lucky with myself and my sister, maybe her luck will rub off on me too.

One afternoon I go to visit my niece Ella in hospital, out of my entire family she is my favourite person. As soon as she sees me her beautiful hazel eyes light up and she puts her little arms out for me to cuddle her. "How is my little angel doing?" I say as I sit on her bed beside her. "Okay, I guess. I want to go home," she says, looking gloomy. "I know you do sweetheart, but this is the best place to help get you better. Where is mommy has she left already?" I ask and she nods, "Sophie should be here soon, she is going to read me the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe," she's smiling at me, her two front teeth are missing and she looks so adorable, this was meant to be a flyby visit but how can I leave her now? "Would you like me to read you a few chapters?" Before I could finish my sentence Ella has already thrusted the book into my hands. This was once a favourite book of mine and Lizzie's during our childhood. Our dad always used to love reading it to us and would put on the voices of all the different characters. Regardless of how I feel about the way I have been treated over the years, I do love my parents. Time flies as I'm reading to my beautiful niece, we are on the chapter where Edmund has met the White Witch and I can see Ella is just as enchanted as I was when it was first read to me. "Hello, I didn't realise you'd be here?" It's the nanny, Sophie. "Yeah, I just came by to say hi to our little Ella here," I smile warmly at Sophie, she doesn't return it, instead she says dismissively, "I can take over now, give me the book," I hand it over to her and give Ella a kiss on her forehead and a cuddle. "I love you honey, I'll be back to visit you as soon as I can," I get up, wave goodbye to Ella and leave the room. As I'm walking through the hospital corridor I keep thinking of Sophie and her attitude, you would think that she was Ella's mother the way she carries on. "Becky, how are you doing hun? I haven't seen you for ages," it's our family friend and Ella's Doctor/Godfather Joshua. "I'm good thanks, how are you, are you still coming to Malibu with us all?" I ask and he nods, "You bet, I'm excited to see Sam and Toby, I haven't seen them in a while," I have never known Joshua to not be in our lives, he has been there from day one and he is very special to our family. "I'd better get back to work, it was lovely seeing you," I say whilst planting a kiss on his cheek. "Likewise, can I ask a quick question before you leave?" I turn to look at him and reply, "Of course." He runs his fingers though his hair, I can tell that he is nervously considering his response. "Ella's nanny Sophie, don't you think there is something weird about her?" I respond straight back, "Yes, she is so weird. She basically just forced me out of Ella's room and said she will take over from me. I had to leave anyway, but you're right she's too assertive for my liking." He shakes his head, "It's more than that, I was going to speak to Lizzie about this, but as you are here I thought I would tell you. One of the nurses caught her looking through the filing cabinet the other day, I think she was looking for Ella's medical records." I frown at him, that's very peculiar, she knows everything she needs to know about Ella and her needs, why would she go through her medical records? "That is strange, thank you for telling me. I'll let Lizzie know, maybe she was just checking on something in her history," I suggest to him and he shrugs. "Maybe, be sure to tell Lizzie won't you?" He says as I start to make my way towards the elevator. "Sure thing, I'll see you at mom and dads," I'm lying through my teeth, he smiles at me and disappears down the corridor. Damn, he still has the power to turn me on just by one look, everyone says that he looks like the actor Patrick Wilson and he sure does. No one knows this, but a few years ago whilst me and Mason were on a break I had sex with Joshua in his office. He has always tried to brush it under the carpet, which I suppose is for the best, but I still want him badly. Right now and especially since I've found out that Mason is cheating on me I would be totally up for a repeat of that night. I know that Joshua still has a thing for me, and it's only a matter of time before he gets tempted to fuck me again. I'm not going to tell Lizzie about what Josh has just disclosed to me, I'm going to do my own little investigation on our dear old nanny Sophie.


Toby has just returned home from his meeting with Ted, the CEO of the film company, and he looks anything but happy with the outcome. I didn't see him leave this morning but he looks gorgeous in his light blue shirt with his white trousers. It reminds me of when he came to see me in New York when we first started seeing each other, he was sat opposite me in the bar and all I wanted to do was straddle him in his chair. He looks absolutely devastated, he was really banking on getting this job and if he hasn't this will be a massive blow for him. "Hey babe, what's wrong?" I go over to where he is standing by the pantry and give him a slight peck on the lips. "I am fucked, the CEO has pulled out and there is no way I'm going to direct this movie," he looks heartbroken. I try to console him, "Maybe you should give Daisy Ridley a call and ask her if you can get involved with her project that she keeps calling you about." He waves his hand away dismissing my suggestion, "I'm not getting involved with that at all, if I do all hell would break loose with Adam's widow and his family." I go into the kitchen to pour us both a glass of white wine, "So, what was wrong then, didn't they like the presentation?" I ask and he sniggers, "Sure, Ted loved watching me bang my wife on screen to Gimme Gimme More in a pole dancing club with you dressed as Britney Spears!" I can't believe what I've just heard, the thought sickens me, "What the actual fuck Toby? How did that get on your presentation?!" He looks at me bewildered, "You're asking the wrong guy. All I can think is that someone hacked into my account and switched the files. But yeah, a roomful of twenty plus people saw Toby Grummett fucking his wife up against a pole." I am disgusted and mortified that someone could do this. What the fuck have we ever done to deserve this? "Babe, we need to contact someone. How about Flip, he could look into it for us?" Toby shakes his head and replies, "Zimmerman has just gone into retirement, I can't call on him for anything anymore. We need to handle this ourselves, don't worry I won't let anything happen to you or us. I'll keep us safe, you're my life and I will do anything for us, anything."

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