Scene 6 : Cold Heart

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A soft caress on his hair woke Singto up. He didn't open his eyes yet as he still is trying to get his senses back.

He looked at the driver's seat to look at Krist but he wasn't there.

"Could I just be dreaming earlier?", he wondered.

He looked out the window and saw a beautiful beach in front of him. Singto could not see any people around despite the exquisite ambience the place hold.

He alighted from the car then stretches his body and saw Krist standing beside the car, drinking a canned soda.

"How long did we travel?", he asked the young lad while yawning.

"How long did we travel?", he asked the young lad while yawning

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Krist looked back at the man who just asked him.

"6 hours.", he replied. He then opened the car's trunk and took out a huge travelling bag.

"Eh?? Why that long? Why are we here? And why did you bring a huge bag like that?", Singto asked as he began to get anxious.

Krist just gave him a smile and turned to walk away, entering the two-storey beach house painted in white where the car is parked.

He rushed towards Krist and grabbed his arm to stop him.

Krist turned around to face his partner. He knows Singto will not settle unless he gives a proper answer. He sighed as he loosen Singto's grip on his arm, and put the bag down. He then put his hands on his hips as he waited for his P's questions.

"Tell me, what is going on?", Singto asked him in a serious and determined tone, his gaze percieng through Krist's eyes.

Krist avoided Singto's gaze, seemingly thinking of what to say. He looked at Singto once again after a brief moment.

"P'Jane and P'Tae said we have to get away for a few days to settle things between us.", he uttered.

"If this doesn't work, then they'll let us go and free to make our own decisions.", Krist explained, gazing at Singto blankly.

"What?! Why didn't they give me a heads up?", Singto responded, looking frustrated.

"Is this your idea too? You really want to leave that badly, huh?", Singto continued asking as his emotions began to rise.

"Why go the trouble of pretending to work things out?! Let's just go back and call it quits!", Singto raises his voice as he feels so annoyed at the thought of Krist trying to do everything just to get away from him.

"Sure! I'd love to do that. But then again, I can't torture you 'til the end.", Krist responded in a casual tone.

Singto's jaw dropped in disbelief. His head is numbed and his ears are ringing in anguish.

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