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Guess who you get to thank?
It's the same good gurl stina252
And Stina gets to thank M E


"Lookie lookie here~" Ban saud as he hoisted a tiny silver haired kid up from one of the barrels on their ship.

"Uncle ban no! Lemme go!!"

The entire crew let out a sigh, none were deeper than the sigh of the captain of the ship, Meliodas Liones, who was coincidentally also the father of the silver haired boy, Tristan.

"If you insist" Ban said and simply let go of Tristan do he fell flat onto the deck.
Ban winched when he saw how Tristan landed.

"Tris what were you thinking? What if we'd Sail off with you on board?" Meliodas asked his son sternly. It was a valid question but Meliodas knew exactly what was going on in his sons mind.

"Y-yeah well that was kind of the point!" Tristan shot back as he got off of the ground.

"Tris-" meliodas started, about to reason with him as he saw that Tristan was visibly upset.

"You always leave dad! You leave me and mom alone all the time!" Tristan shouted and tears started to gather in his eyes. "I just want to spend time with you, and apparently the only way to do that is to go with you on your long journeys!" Tristan was now full on sobbing and the rest of the crew decided to fall back. This was a family matter that they shouldn't get involved with.
"But you won't let me. So you probably don't love us at all do you?!"

"No Tristan you know that's no-"

"So just leave! We don't want you here anyway! I-In fact...WE HATE YOU DAD" Tristan yelled, louder than ever before finally storming off of the boat

Meliodas extended his hand out to his son, wanting to pull him into a hug, to say sorry for leaving him and his mother, and say sorry for all the promises he had failed to keep.
Like the last one he made just before he set out on his most recent adventure.
"Sorry pal, I promise I'll make it up to you. What do you say that you and I go out sailing when I get back, just the two of us, that sound good?" He has asked him, and the happy expression on Tristan's face still shine brightly in Meliodas's mind, but of course, as always he had failed to make the time to for fill that promise.

"I'm sorry Tristan..." Meliodas sighed, as he finally lowered his hand, as if finally realizing that his son had begun to harbor hate towards him, but of course that was his own fault.
He made a decision then, that he'd give Tristan some time to himself while away on this journey, then when he got back he'd make it up to him...maybe it was even time to sell the boat. The family wasn't lacking in money after all.
He'd be able to retire early in on.
...yeah. That sounded like a plan!

"All on board! We're heading out now!" Meliodas calved our as he always did, but this time he was preparing himself for the fact that this perhaps was the last time he'd be able to say those words.

Meanwhile Tristan had already made it home.
He barged through the front door to see his mother folding clothes over the dining table.
"Welcome home honey, did you go say your final goodbye to your-" His mother said kindly, but instead of hearing her out Tristan stormed up the stairs to his left which led directly to his room.
"Oh?" His mother Elizabeth was confused. He normally didn't behave in such a way.

Then she heard him sob from his room, and that's when she grew truly worried.
She quickly went up the stairs and took a deep breath, preparing for the worst before she knocked on Tristan's door.
"Tristan, honey, tell me what's wrong..."

"Dad!" Tristan sobbed as he flung the door open so he stood face to face with his mother.
"Dad is what's wrong! He constantly leaves us behind, never caring how we feel about him leaving!!"

"Oh I see, you're sad about him leaving.." Elizabeth stayed, with a smile on her face that seemed to partially infuriate Tristan even more.

"Mom, why are you smiling? He's leaving you too!" Tristsn cried with even more tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Honey, have I ever told you the real reason of why your father goes on so many adventures?"

"T-there's actually a reason?"

"Of course there is" Elizabeth said and whipped some of Tristan's tears away. "I met your father on that ship you know. I was on the run and decided to become a stowaway on his ship, but he found me...we got married in the ship too, went on hundreds of adventures together...then you were born, also upon the ship. That ship was our home but after you were born your father insisted that we should seek the ship as it was no place for you to grow up...I made sure he kept the ship, I make sure he keep on going on adventures. and now I'll tell you a secret... when you turn 13, that ship is guns be our home again"

Tristan's eyes widened. "Are you serious! I turn 13 in 3 years! Oh boi! This is great mom!!" Then as the happy words left his mouth he realized his mistakes. His father was only doing what he had to, and what his mom was asking him to..he wasn't abandoning them..he was waiting for them!
"M-mom I-I have to go!" Tristan panicked and nearly jumped the entire way down the stairs. He had to get there before his father sailed. He had to tell him sorry, and that he was looking forward to the day when they'd all be together out on the ocean.

"Please be there please be there plea-" Tristan panted, but then he turned the corner, and the spot where his fathers should've been was empty.

It was with heavy heart that Tristan had to tell himself "it's okay...he'll be home in 3 months...I'll tell him then"

But those 3 months cane and went. They speculated that they had perhaps run into a storm or other complications that would make it a struggle to sail home.

...then 3 more months. Half a year without seeing or hearing from their father and husband. Hope started dwindling away...

And then, when the entire year had went by they knew for certain...
He was never coming back...

Because he was dead...

Why is the cover imagine if Tristan with black hair and yellow eyes?
Because of stina252

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