Something's up?

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LUKE'S P.O.V-----

I looked over at Alex as I was driving. She was smiling and laughing and even though I didn't know her that well, I could still tell something was up. I turned the corner of some random abandoned street that was quite close to my house but a few streets away. I parked there, locked the doors and we took off our seat belts. Alex looked up at me questioningly. "Where is it gonna be?" She asked! I looked at her trying to look in her eyes but she wouldn't meet mine. I'll take you but first you have to tell me what's wrong. I said. This time Alex did meet my eyes. "It's nothing to worry about" she said. I looked at her with one raised eyebrow. She chewed her lip for a while an looked out the car window until she broke down into tears. It's okay Alex I murmured putting my arms around her. She moved so she was crying into my chest. After a while she pulled her head away from my chest explaining how after Julia it home, they joked around and were playing dare or dare and the dare was to try out a pregnancy test but the thing that made my heart sink was when Alex said one of them was positive but they didn't know who. Then she had explained their fight and she dissolved back into tears and cried into my shirt once again. I thought to myself for a while. Now I'm not quite sure what happened that night but we would have been smart enough to use protection right? And she couldn't be all of a sudden pregnant this fast? Right? At the moment I didn't know but I had to stay strong for Alex. I bent my head down and whispered to Alex that we would sort it out and take another pregnancy test and find out what we needed to. She lifted her head up from my chest and smiled even though I could tell it was half forced. "Okay," she murmured. "And thanks for being so understanding" she said a little louder. I kissed her gently on the lips. I would do anything for you I said to her. She smiled and kissed back. Soon enough my tongue was pressed to the inside of her cheek. The car still on so I turned my head to turn of the car as Alex kissed down my neck. I couldn't get the key out properly so when I finally pulled it put, I dropped it on the floor but I left it there and turned my head back to Alex. Her lips came up and met mine once again and she climbed over from her chair to on top of me on my chair keeping her lips locked in with mine the whole way. We made out for a while until she pulled away. She smirked and climbed into the back of the car where there was more room. I looked at her. "You coming?" She questioned. I was in the back of the car next to her faster than you can say yes. I leaned back against the door pulling Alex on top of me. Her lips crashed against mine and I deepened the kiss while sliding my hands under her top. After a few minute of feeling around we both took off our tops and kept it going. I kissed down her neck leaving some hickeys (accidentally) and she undid the buttons and zip on my jeans. I pulled away from her neck to help her pull the jeans off and then pulled down her skirt. She pulled me back so I was laying on top of her and so she was pushed into the car seat and I got into her, pulling off her undies and pushing my fingers in. She moaned and kissed my neck giggling when I moved my fingers around. After I pulled them out, we swapped back so she was on top of me once again. She pulled down my boxers and placing her mouth around my dick and sucking. I put my hands in her hair and moved her head around to where it felt good pulling her off when I was about to burst. She put her lips back against mine and we made out hardcore. I was just about to go into her when I remembered the pregnancy test. I pulled away and she looked at me questioningly. Glove box I told her. She understood right away and reached in pulling out a condom. She giggled passing it to me. I put it on and we continued where we left off. I went into her and I heard her moan. I swear the sound was familiar. Our bodies moved in sync and then I pulled myself out. We giggled together then made out for a bit. After a while we pulled away. I swear you are amazing I told her. She smirked and kissed me. After a while we sat up and got dressed. Alex sat in the back and wiped all the fog off the windows and I did the front. She climbed back into the front and sat next to me. "To the gathering?" She asked. I smirked and nodded. Then I bent down to find where I dropped the keys on the floor.

JULIA'S P.O.V-----

I had my lips against Jais. He was a good kisser. I felt so upset and I couldn't help kissing him. I saw Beaus eyes flash across my mine but I pushed the thought away. Technically we weren't actually together. Jai pulled away first. "Julia, why are you doing this?" He asked and I looked down at the ground. I don't know I mumbled. I thought about it and again Beaus eyes flashed across my mind but they looked hurt this time. I looked at Jai. He was really just my friend. Can we forget this ever happened? I asked him. He smiled and nodded. "Good idea." He said. I laughed and looked away. Jai broke the silence "we are having a gathering at mine" he told me. "Wanna come?" I smiled and nodded then I remembered what I looked like. Uh Jai? I asked him. Any chance we could go back to mine for me to get ready? He smiled and nodded. "Let's be quick though" he told me picking up his pizza and putting his arm around my shoulders comfortingly. "But" he said, "We have to walk." That's okay I giggled and we set off in the direction of the apartment.

When we got to apartment, I let us in and told Jai to get comfortable and said I would be as quick as I could. I ran upstairs and washed my face quickly and getting off all the run makeup. I ran back to my room and put and a cream short flowy skirt over a low neck, black top. It actually matched pretty well with my inch wedges. I put on a bit of foundation and a slight bit of mascara, throwing on a bit of lip gloss and running down the stairs. Jai stood up just as I came crashing down . He laughed. "Ready to walk?" He asked. I smiled linking my arm in his and we walked in the direction of Jais house.

We arrived at a good time apart from the fact everyone was pretty drunk. Beau walked over from the couch of his I'm guessing friends and kissed me. I smiled against his lips and laughed as he pulled away with glossy lips. He put his arm around me and pulled me over to his friends introducing me. I didn't even catch half of their names because they were pretty drunk. Beau was surprisingly not drunk. Jai had gone of and I didn't see him anywhere. Me and Beau went and sat on a beanbag in the corner sharing a drink between us. "You tired from last night?" He asked. I nodded putting my head on his chest. He leaned down and whispered into my ear "You can stay over tonight of you want?" I shivered happily and nodded. "Ill be back soon" Beau said. I nodded and put my head against the bean bag when another person came and sat down where Beau just was. It was Jai. "Feeling better?" he whispered into my ear. I smiled and nodded. "What actually happened?" He asked. Don't worry I told him and he put his arms around my shoulders as a behind hug. We talked for a little while until I saw Luke walk in with Alex. Oh shit balls I murmured loud enough for Jai to here. He looked at me and I smiled at him saying it was nothing. Alex saw me and I saw anger flash through her eyes. She whispered something to Luke and he nodded. They went outside. Jai shook my shoulders. I turned my whole self around to face him. "Please tell me?" He begged putting his forehead against mine. I leaned into him and my nose touched his. "I-um-I-I uh I don't know Jai!" I said looking down closing my eyes. I heard a voice clear behind me and them I felt Jai pull away. I opened my eyes and turned my self around to see myself staring into the face of a pissed off Beau. Shit. I thought. Today, I have just been amazing at stuffing up!

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