Sick bby (mirioxtamaki)

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Tamaki- little
Mirio- caregiver

Tamakis pov
I woke up to the sun shining through the cracks of my blinds, I glanced over at the clock, jerking out of bed as I noticed it was late. The immediate overwhelming feeling of sickness fell over me as I rush to the bathroom. Kneeling in front of the toilet i emptied out my stomach contents. Flushing the toilet and slowly getting up. Grabbing my phone I called the school, requesting I stayed in my dorm room due to sickness, after I got confirmation to do so I flopped back onto my bed. Turning on the fan to cool me down, my phone pinged, sending me a reminder to take my anxiety medication. Groaning, I got up and filled a cup with tap water, sipping the water before swallowing the pill. Finally I was able to relax in my bed.....until I heard a banging k my door. With a whimper I looked over, not wanting to get up "come in.." I said, hoping whoever was outside would hear me. As the door opened I couldn't help but smile as mirio walked in. "Hey! I heard you were sick so I got permission to watch over you" he smiled, walking over and ruffling my hair.

I whined and pushed his hand away "my head hurts mirio" my pouting lip stuck out in a small pout. He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck "oops sorry" just then the back of his head laid gently on my forehead, he slowly retracted it and patted my arm "your burning up buddy, do you want anything?" I nodded slowly "rice please" mirio nodded and got up "okay honey, I'll be right back okay?" I nodded again, closing my eyes, almost immediately falling asleep. I was shaken awake around thirty minutes later, looking up I saw mirio holding a bowl of steaming hot rice. He sat me up on some pillows, glancing over I notice he brought me a sippy cup full of apple Juice. A blush of embarrassment reached my cheeks, but I didn't say anything about it. "Open wide honey" mirio smiled softly at me, I opened my mouth, allowing Mirio to pick up some rice with chopsticks and place it in my mouth.

As I swallowed i felt the rice heat up my stomach, smiling softly at how good it tasted. After eating all the rice I was handed the sippy cup. Taking it and drinking out of it sleepily, I turned onto my side and looked up at mirio, tugging on his shirt sleeve. My boyfriend looked down with that same bright smile "yes my love?" Giggling softly I poked my tongue out at him, before yawning. Covering my mouth with the back of my hand, mirio chuckled and cooed "Aww you're so cute, I think you should take a nap" I nod my head and out the sippy cup on the bedside table. Pulling the blanket over my nose, mirio planted a soft kiss on my forehead "I'll be here when you wake up love bug" I smiled and nodded my head "night night daddy" mirio ran his fingers through my hair "night night baby"


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