Poor baby (shinsero)

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Little- shinsou
Cg- sero

No ones pov
Shinsou sat in his room, sitting on his bed with his laptop open. The screen played the toy story movie, a small smile was spread across Shinsous face. His black jeweled pacifier bobbed in his mouth, rubbing his eyes tiredly he turned off the movie. Snuggling under the covers and closing his eyes, shinsou quickly fell asleep. Entering dreamland quite quickly.

Shinsou hummed happily as he walked up and down the plushie aisle with his caregiver, he couldn't see who it was, but he held onto their hand and smiled wide when he saw a big bunny stuffed animal. Tugging on his cgs sleeve he pointed at the plushie, the unknown person took it and smiled. Handing it to shinsou, who squealed with glee as he hugged it tightly, feeling the soft fur through his fingers. They paid for it and went back to his dorm room, the cg colored with him and they watched monsters inc! And played with toy cars and cuddled. Soon they were both laying on his bed, shinsou yawned and closed his eyes. Feeling like he was falling asleep all over again.

Waking up

Shinsou woke up and yawned softly, going to hug the stuffed animal tighter when all he got was air, he opened his eyes and saw it was gone. Shinsous eyebrows pinched together before realizing it wasn't real. The bunny was just something he saw at a store but couldn't get, the caregiver was just a figment of his imagination. A dream of what he wished he had. Tears pooled up in his eyes and he couldn't find his paci, that had fallen out of his mouth. He sat up and buried his face into his hands, sobbing loudly at the one thing hes always wants but couldn't have. As he was crying, sero was walking past his dorm, his eyebrows pinching together when he heard someone crying, sero looked around and finally realized it was coming from Shinsous room.

Sero gently knocked on the door, his knuckles tapping on the wood of the door. Shinsou looked up at the door and said nothing, wiping his eyes and standing up, walking to the door before opening it. Looking at sero "hey, what do you want?" Sero smiled softly and noticed the tears stains on his face "hey uh- I heard crying and just wanted to know if you're okay!" He said cheerfully. Shinsou bit the inside of his cheek and nodded "I'm alright, I was just watching a sad movie is all, you must of heard the tv" sero saw past shinsou and noticed a pacifier on the floor near Shinsous bed. "Hey uh, is that a pacifier?" The purple haired boy whipped his head around and saw it laying there, his cheeks heated up as he looked back at sero "oh uh- um" he mentally cursed himself and gripped the door knob, feeling himself tense up.

Sero noticed and rubbed the back of his neck "oh Um- I'm sorry for the question I shouldn't have asked um- do you have a younger sibling or do you um-" he cleared his throat "age regress" shinsou stared at sero, wondering if he should even tell him. They've been friends for a while and it was safe to say that shinsou did trust him. He hesitated before finally speaking "yeah I uh- age regress" shinsou bit the inside of his cheek and waited for either a negative response or a good one. Sero blinked slowly before smiling wider "neat! Tats pretty cool dude! Thanks for telling me" he patted Shinsous shoulder, shinsou smiled softly "yeah uh thanks" sero shook his head "no problem! Do you have a caregiver? Or is that to much of a personal question?" He chuckled softly, shinsou shook his head slowly, his smield disappearing "no no it's fine um- I don't have one"

The air grew awkward at sero gently rocked on his heels "oh shit sorry bro I didn't mean to make you sad or anything" he smiled  softly, I chuckled and shook my head "no it's alright..I have a crush on this person and want them to be my cg but uh I don't think it'll happen" sero frowned and thought for a moment and smiled "well maybe I can be you're caregiver until you ask out your crush! How does that sound? I already take care of Denki when jirou isn't around so I have experience!" Shinsous heart jumped in his chest, his crush, who he was gonna ask to prom soon, was actually asking if he could take care of him. Shinsous mouth hung open as he didn't know what to say. "I uh- um-" not knowing what to say shinsou just nodded his head excitedly. His cheeks turning a light pink, sero smiled wider and clapped his hands "yay! Thank you for trusting me shinsou" sero bounced happily in his spot "may I come in? Maybe we can talk a little bit and sort things out"

Shinsou nodded his head once again and stepped away from the door, letting sero walk in. He picked up the pacifier and cleaned it off, placing it back onto the bedside table before sitting on the bed. Shinsou walked over and sat next to him "also I uh- lied about watching a sad movie, I was watching toy story" he chuckled softly. Sero nodded his head "that's understandable, I don't expect you to tell me everything that's wrong" shinsou smiled softly "thanks sero" sero rubbed his back "of course! You don't have to thank me silly" shinsou shrugged "eh I guess I kinda do"

From that point on, sero helped take care of shinsou until he was ready to ask out his crush. The week before prom, shinsou finally told sero. Surprisingly to shinsou, sero said yes, and they ended up dating. Sero still took care of shinsou, being his daddy forever, while shinsou was his little baby forever. And they all lived happily ever after. The end uwu

Sorry for the bad ending lol, I kinda just wanted to get this over with cuz I was getting tired of typing. Bleh that makes me sound lazy sorry 😅

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