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"Mon." Demi says trying to wake him up.

He groans a bit. She shakes hin a but fully waking him up. "Morning baby."


"Why?" He says quieter.

"My dad's home."

"Shit ok..I'll um see you at school." He says grabbing his clothes.

Monty climbs out the window. A few seconds later demi's father bursts into the room. "Who the fuck were you talking to." He says.

"Nobody dad."

"Dont lie to me!"

"I'm not I swear."

He grabs the girl and pushes her up against the wall. "I heard someone...you sneaking boys in here!"

Tears escape demi's eyes. "No dad I-"

Before she finishes he punches her in the face. "That's for lying."

He leaves the room. Demi falls to the floor sobbing into her arms.

"Where'd you get that?" Scott asks looking at demi's face.

Demi looks at him confused. "What do ya mean scotty?"

"Your not fooling anybody with that makeup...did month hurt you!?" Scott says getting angry.

Demi laughs. "Don't be silly I fell over."

"If he ever hit you I'd kill him." Scott says.

"He wouldn't do such a thing."

At that moment everyone sits down at the table. Monty wraps his arm around her. "Hey baby."

Demi smiles. "Hi."

Zach only took one look at her face to know what happened. Demi could see him getting angry but she mouthed that she was ok.

"So we all coming to mine to hang after school?" Bryce asks.

"Guess so." Jess says.

Demi shrugs. "I can't."

"Why not princess."

Demi cringed. "Don't call me that."

"We're all going though?" Scott asks.

"That doesn't mean I have too."

Clay comes storming into he cafeteria right towards demi. "How could you!" He shouts.

Everyone turns around. "What?" Demi asks confused.

"Don't act dumb! Why would you do that."

Demi looks down knowing exactly what he's talking about. "Clay.."

"No! You..your the reason she's dead!"

Everyone watches them entertained and confused. "Dude you don't know what your talking about." Zach says.

"She was trying to help!"

"Seriously man shut the fuck up." Justin says.

"She was lying" Zach says.

"Who we talking about?" Bryce asks.

"Are we missing something?" Monty asks.

"It's nothing." Jess says.

"She trusted you and you killed her." Clay spits.

Demi stands up tears in her eyes. "Fuck off clay." She walks off crying.

toxic//Montgomery de La cruzWhere stories live. Discover now