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"Hey demi wait up!" Sherri shouts down the hall.

"Leave me alone Sherri." Demi says rolling her eyes.

"Please..talk to me."

"Sherri you killed my best friend..not hannah not himself you!"

Sherri looks down. "I'm really sorry I didn't mean to."

"Sorry's not gonna bring him back! And the worse thing is nested of being a good friend and telling me what happened you kept it secret and pressured hannah into doing the same."

"I know and that was real shitty but I really want to make it up to you."

"Well you know how you can do that."

"Yea anything."

"Leave me the fuck alone."

Demi walks off leaving sherri behind. She was not having a good day.

After a while monty had finally found her. "Baby what up with jenson."

"Nothing he's just upset about hannah."

"What does he mean it's your fault."

"Nothing ok!"

"Ok OK I'm sorry."

Demi burst into tears and without thinking monty pulls her into his arms. "I didn't mean to snap...I just miss her so much."

"I know you do."

"And Jeff."

"We all miss jeff baby girl."

Demi sat opposite Justin looking broken. She noticed him staring at her. How could he let Bryce do that? She thought.

Justin didn't look the best either.  While everyone around them was having fun they were thinking about the monster in the room.

Jeff made demi jump offering her some water. "You do look so good dem."

"I don't feel it either."

"You OK? "

"Yea just someone did something to upset me."


"It doesn't matter it's fine."

"Well I'm going on beer run you wanna come?"

Demi wanted to get out of that house as quick as possible. "Yea course."

They managed to get the alcohol quickly but as Jeff drove back knots began to tie in her stomach. "You ok princess?" Jeff asked.

"Yea." Demi says.

"We've know each other since we were four..what's wrong."

"Nothing "

"Please tell me." Jeff says placing hid hand on her thigh. "Did monty do something?"

"No no.."

"Then who did."

Before he can get another word out demi bursts into tears. Jeff pulls over straight away to see what's wrong. "Someone hurt me...and jess." Demi sobs.

"Who!.." Jeff says wrapping her up in his arms.

"Y..you can't tell monty." Demi says. "He'll kill him."

"I won't tell monty anything." Jeff says.

"It was bryce..."

Jeff shuffles uncomfortably. "What the hell did he do."

"It went upstairs to check on jess and her door was locked I tried opening it but bryce opened it for me from the inside he wouldn't let me so and kept telling me to go...so I pushed past him to see jess on the bed naked from the waist down. I tried to help her but bryce locked the door again..and-and"

You could see Jeff getting angrier by the second. "Don't tell me he-"

Demi bursts into tears again nodding her head. "I- he was to strong."

Jeff squeezes her into his arms and let's her sob. "I'm gonna kill him."

"No Jeff you can't "

Jeff grabs her hand and kisses it. "Princess someone's gotta do something."

Jeff starts the car. He comes to a point where he has to turn but before he can something hits them. And everything goes black.

Demi wakes up to clay shouting her name. "Demi you ok!" Clay shouts.


"Thank fuck... the ambulance is coming down worry!..but Jeff he..he's not breathing." Clay says.

Demi touches her head to feel a warn ooze running down the side of her head. "Shit." She groans. Everything goes back again.

When she wakes up she's on a stretcher and being carried to an ambulance. "Where's Jeff? " she asks.

"Your gonna be safe I promise." The EMT says.

"No where is he where's Jeff!?"

"Shh it gonna be OK."

"Where is he!"

Just like last time everything go black again.

Hey so sorry I haven't updated I've been on holiday. Also kinda dislocated my knee while trying to get away from a moth and then stayed in the hospital until 5 in the morning so that was fun😂❤❤

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